Chapter 21

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A few weeks had gone by after being released from the infirmary. Her wounds were completely healed, leaving behind it's own horrid memory with one scar above her navel and a long scar just above her right hip. Though that wasn't thing the that stood out the most. What stood out was her newly developed tattoo. Now that her bandages were off, Lilith could clearly see the edges of the wings wrap around her sides and upper thighs as if holding her protectively. It was beautiful in her opinion, and made her milky skin and hourglass figure stand out even more.

A few things about her daily routine changed up a little bit. She woke up earlier to spend time with her familiars before class, and then after classes she would head to the falls to practice. Sometimes Dallas was already there to practice with her, teaching her how to use many different weapons as well as her bow. Ever since the incident, her and Dallas had gotten closer, though she can tell he's still trying to keep his distance. He doesn't meet with her everyday at the falls, and when she goes home at night, he only watches from a distance, usually in his shapeshifter forms.

Though, on the days she's alone at the falls, she discovered a few new things about herself that no one but her familiars know about; She can manipulate water. She discovered it while bathing at night in the falls. Playing around, she'd lifted her hand as if she were guiding the water with it, and was shocked to see that the water had followed her hand. Since then she's developed it, creating small weapons with the water and throwing them against trees. Of course they splatter after hitting the trees, but they do impale them slightly, which means they can do some damage in combat. She's also been able to create waves and engulf objects in the water. The only downside is that she can only manipulate it while she's around some sort of water.

In other matters, her parents are still in a coma, and the doctors still can't figure out what the drug was. Despite the fact that she's was sad that her parents were there but not really there, it gave her something to fight for. It was her motivation to get stronger and find the "boss" all of her captors speak about.

On this particular day, Dallas was there to practice with her. It was the weekend so she didn't have classes that day and decided she'd go a little earlier to the falls, though when she arrived she wasn't expecting Dallas to be there early as well.

Lilith smiled softly as she jumped off of Ash, patting his back and watching as Olive rested on top of him. The large cat bumped his nose against her side before padding off to go explore like he usually does, taking Olive with him.

Lilith fixed her outfit* as she walked towards Dallas, which contained a burgundy red, off-the-shoulder kimono style top, and ripped leggings. She also wore her black converse and belt straps around her thighs to hold the small weapons.

"Enjoying the fresh air?" Lilith said as she stood next to Dallas, looking up at the blue sky as her hair waved in the wind. She wore it down this particular day considering her scalp was sore from wearing it up so much. Dallas glanced over at her and smiled softly, breathing in the fresh air as he leaned his head against the tree.

"Yeah. It's good to enjoy the little things every now and then, such as the gifts nature gives us." He says as he takes one last deep breath before pushing himself off of the tree and facing her.

"Want to start off by sparring?" He asked as he pulled the wooden sword out of the bag he had on the ground, raising a brow. Lilith grinned and nodded, lifting the wooden sword she already had in her hand.

"Thought you'd never asked." She responded with a grin as they began sparring, not leaving a second to spare.

They went on like that for a while, wooden swords clashing against one another as sweat dripped from their foreheads, falling to the grass beneath them.

After a while, Lilith had ended up against a tree, their swords pressed against each other as Lilith sighed softly, accepting defeat.

"Aw come on, giving up so easily? Don't tell me you're tired?" Dallas taunted with a grin as he raised a brow. Lilith scuffed and pushed against his sword again, but Dallas didn't budge.

"Please, I'm just resting." Dallas chuckled and pressed against her wooden sword even more, tilting his head as he looked at her.

"Warriors don't rest." He said as he pressed it even further against her chest, but not enough to the point where it would hurt. For a minute, neither of them said a word, they simply stared at each other as the twilight breeze brushed passed the small gap between them, Lilith's hair brushing against her rosy cheeks and full plump lips. They enjoyed each other's presence, their breaths mingling and their grips on their swords loosening. Then, in one smooth, quick movement, Dallas dropped his sword and gently pushed Liliths out of her hands before cupping her cheeks and pulling her in, pressing his lips against her soft ones. It caused her heart to literally feel like it was bursting out of her chest as she reacted immediately, her lips molding with his own as her hands found their way to his shirt, gripping it tightly. Her cheeks were red at this point, and her pulse erratic.

Dallas's touch to her cheeks moved down to her bare shoulders, where he gently caressed the spot with his thumb, goose bumps forming in its wake. His hands then found their way to her hips, pulling her closer to his body as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. In response, she rested against his chest, her arms making their way up and around his shoulders.

As the kiss went on, it deepened even more, and she could feel him pressing her back against the tree as his fingers slipped under her shirt. It caused Liliths heart to race at the feeling of his fingers brushing against her milky soft skin, and in the back of her mind, she felt something click and wasn't sure what.

Before she knew it, the moment had gotten very heated, and Dallas's lips had somehow made their way to her neck while Liliths hands were in his hair, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling of it. Her kimono-style shirt was slightly un-tied, revealing nearly all of her abdomen while Dallas's hands were higher up her waist, nearly touching the tattoo of the edge of her wings wrapped under her breasts. The situation was hot, and Lilith enjoyed it more than she liked to admit, but the moment the sound of her familiars arriving back at the falls entered their ears, it was like a switch was flipped in Dallas and in no more than a second, he was gone, leaving Lilith pressed against the tree by herself, disheveled, flushed, and disappointed. She sighed heavily, her breathing labored as she smoothed her hair back and looked around, sliding down the tree slowly until she was sitting on the ground. Her emotions were all over the place in that moment, she was hot and embarrassed, confused and hurt. It was like the entire moment was a dream and she woke up without finishing it.

Swallowing thickly, she sighed once more and leaned the back of her head against the tree as she tightened her shirt once more, licking her slightly swollen lips. She then ran her fingers through her hair, smoothing it out as her other hand was held out in front of her. Focusing, she tilted her head and moved her fingers as if beckoning someone towards her. In a split second, water rose out of the falls and flew towards her hand, forming into a small water ball hovering just above her palm. She stared at it for a second, a slight frown on her features as she twirled the small ball around her fingers, before flicking her wrist towards her face and squeezing her eyes shut as the ball of water splashed against her flushed features. The cold water felt good on her heated cheeks, and she repeated her actions once more before standing and fixing her outfit as she mentally called Ash and Olive towards her. They responded immediately, Olive sliding off of Ash and slithering towards her as Ash followed in suit, bumping his nose against her damp cheeks when he was close enough, silently asking if she was okay. She knew he sensed her slight pain, but she simply brushed it off with a shake of her head and a peck on the large cats nose.

"I'm fine, just..confused." She said softly as she cleared her throat before climbing onto the large animal as Olive wrapped herself up and around Liliths waist. Lilith smiled and caressed the snakes scales, before patting the side of Ash's head as she mentally spoke to him.

Take me home. Ash huffed and stretched for a second before turning and padding back into the woods and towards the camp.

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