Chapter 26(Just a little mature..)

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Lilith groaned softly as she slowly began to wake, her eyes squinting and preparing for the light. Though, when she finally opened them, she realized the room was dark, and it caused her to panic for a second.

She sat up quickly and whimpered at the pain that rippled through her body, only to freeze at her surroundings. The light from the moon reflected off of the furniture in the room, and it confused her deeply. She was no longer in the cold stone room or the infirmary or her own cabin room. The room she was in wasn't familiar what-so-ever, and looked awfully fancy. The bed she was lying in was huge and decorated with silk blankets, and the furniture in the room was white and expensive looking. Not to mention, the room itself was just huge along with the window touching the floor to the side of her. Lilith swallowed thickly as she groaned, slowly moving her legs to the side of the bed until she felt the cold, wooden floor beneath her feet. Slowly, she moved to stand, only for her knees to wobble and buckle as she fell to the ground, causing Lilith to gasp softly. Her arms felt heavy and her legs weak, barely able to keep her up. Her body burned with pain, everywhere, and her head pounded. Swallowing thickly, she moved to use the fancy night stand as support as she slowly lifted herself off the ground, her knees still wobbling. She definitely didn't have the strength to be standing on her own at this moment, so she used anything she could grab onto as support as she slowly moved towards the window, realizing it was a door to the balcony. Weakly, and with much struggle, she finally managed to open the door, sighing softly as the gentle wind caressed her bare skin. At that moment, she realized she wasn't half naked anymore. Instead, she wore* a silky white gown with a split in the middle, revealing the bare spot between her breasts. She raised her brow at the outfit, before shaking her head and continuing to stumble out of the room and onto the balcony, the night air caressing her pale cheeks. Lilith leaned against the wooden frame of the balcony as she closed her eyes, breathing in the fresh air. It's been so long since she's felt it against her skin.

After a while of enjoying the feeling, she finally opened her eyes, widening them at the sight before her. She was currently standing at one of the many balconies of a large white castle, like a castle from her dreams as a little girl. She was completely awestruck at the sight before her. But whose kingdom was she at? And how did she get there? Lilith groaned softly as she turned away, using the wall as support as she walked back into the room and towards the large door, pulling it open slowly. She squinted her eyes at the light and looked around. The white hall was empty and quiet, except for a few voices coming from one of the rooms a few doors down. Swallowing thickly, Lilith leaned against the wall as she began to walk towards the noise, nearly falling a few times as she did so.

It felt like hours, but when she finally made it, she realized the voices in the room sounded all too familiar. Heart racing, she leaned against the door and fumbled with the handle until it finally opened, causing her to gasp as she moved to hang on to the door frame to keep her from falling.

The voices in the room came to an abrupt stop as they all looked towards the opening door. Lilith groaned softly and looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of James and Juno and Luke, before they flickered over to the face she wanted to see most.

"Lilith?" Dallas spoke as he quickly moved towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her upright as he gently guided her into the room. Despite the worry filling him at the way Lilith stood, Dallas couldn't help the jolt of his heart at the sight of her, her green eyes wide and catching his own as she leaned against him.

"What are you doing up you need to be resting.." He said softly as his arms tightened around her.

"I was scared I didn't know where I was..." She whispered as she grabbed Dallas's arms, using them to hold her up as she continued to stare up at him, before looking around the room at the happy and relieved eyes of her friends. She smiled softly at them and was about to say something when the head of a large mountain lion peeked up from behind James. At the sight of her beloved familiar, Lilith gasped and pushed herself out of Dallas's arms, but before she could fall, Ash was already under her to catch her, whimpering softly as his tail wrapped around her frail body. As if on cue, Olive slithered up from behind him, wrapping herself around Lilith's waist gently as Lilith cried out softly, gripping Ash's fur and burying her face in it.

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