Chapter 22

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The sun had fallen when she'd finally arrived back at camp, and she didn't even realize she was home until Ash had stopped behind her cabin. Clearing her throat, she jumped off of Ash and stepped into her home, slowly moving to the kitchen to grab out a steak and set it on the ground for Ash to eat while Olive crawled to the room to rest in her cage. She was dazed the entire way back from the falls, and was still dazed as she moved to sit on the couch.

Sighing, she leaned her head back and pressed her palms against her eyes before biting her lip. She could still feel his lips against her own as well as a tingly, lingering sensation of his lips against her neck, and it made her feel too many emotions to keep track of. It was frustrating. Groaning, she tapped her cheeks lightly to try and dim the red glow on them before standing and moving to her room to dress in a light and comfy outfit. Once she was done, she brushed her hair out then moved back to the living room. She was tempted to lay on the couch, but instead she ended up just laying on the floor, cuddling up to Ash's fur.

It took a while, considering her mind was screaming a million different things at her. But after awhile, the beautiful feeling of slumber finally engulfed her.


Lilith woke up the next morning feeling very well rested, which was odd considering it took a while for her to even fall asleep in the first place, and not to mention the fact that she'd fallen asleep on the floor. With a yawn, she slowly sat up and stretched, causing Ash to stir awake as well as he made a soft mew sound. Smiling, she patted the large cats head before standing and moving to her room to grab out an outfit* for the day. She didn't have classes today, so all she was planning to do was train and spend her day at the falls despite what happened the day before. Once she was done changing, she braided her hair in a dutch and pulled out some stray strands to frame her face before slipping on a pair of black boots. After that, she patted Ash and beckoned Olive to climb on her leg as they exited the cabin, locking the door behind them.

As Lilith walked through the camp with her familiars, she noticed a familiar green eyed figure sitting at the Gathering talking to a few other camp members before his eyes locked with hers. Before she could turn away though, he was quickly walking towards her, calling out her name. Lilith stopped and turned back around, smiling softly at him.

"What's up?" She asked, her voice soft and quiet. She was still dazed and confused from the previous days events, so she really didn't feel like communicating with anyone at the moment.

Luke smiled and fell into step with her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I heard you and Dallas are training together. Mind if I join you sometime?" He asked, and Lilith's cheeks went slightly pink at the mention of Dallas's name.

"We hardly train together, only when we catch each other at the same training site. I usually train alone." She said, glancing down at Olive as she shifted on her leg slightly.

"Oh, well, you wanna train together one day? Training alone can be hard sometimes." He said, glancing down at her with an embarrassed look crossing his features. Lilith smiled softly and looked ahead of her.

"Maybe, depends on if you can catch me at my training place, but I doubt you can." She said jokingly before picking up her speed and waving at him, disappearing into the woods. When she didn't hear any footsteps following her, she couldn't help but feel relieved. She had nothing against Luke, she just didn't feel like training with anybody else but one other person, and he's currently mia since the day before. Sighing softly, she was about to hop onto Ash's back when a hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her back behind a tree. Lilith gasped and attempted to grab a small weapon from her pouch when both of her hands were pinned to her sides and she was pressed against the bark of the tree. She groaned and moved to kick the enemy when she realized her kidnapper was anything but an enemy. Her cheeks turned a deep red at the sight of Dallas's amused expression, and she couldn't help but look away and relax against the tree, huffing.

"Don't scare me like that, it could have been more dangerous.." She mumbled as Dallas chuckled softly, his hands loosening on her wrists just slightly.

"You always say that." He spoke, his voice deep and soft, causing goosebumps to form along the milky skin of her arms. Though she kept her eyes down, biting her lip softly as she stayed quiet. Dallas sighed lightly and Lilith nearly fell at the feeling of his hands caressing up her arms and along her shoulders until they were on her warm cheeks, causing them to warm up even more if that were even possible. He gently caressed his thumb along her sharp cheekbones as he moved her face till she was looking up at him.

"I'm sorry about leaving you out of the blew yesterday, I didn't mean to I just kind of freaked out for a second. Lilith you-god you drive me so crazy and I have no idea why. One moment I want to protect you like it's my own life and the next I want to do unspeakable things to you and then the next I just want to hold you and be in your presence and I just-" He stopped for a second and took a slight breather, all the while Lilith's cheeks were a bright red, and the red had transferred to her nose and the tips of her pointy ears as well as she listened to him, her hands gently pressed against his chest. His words had her heart beating rapidly and she was sure it wasn't healthy at this point.

Instead of Dallas finishing his sentence, he simply just leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers, his bright blue eyes switching back and forth between her bright green ones and her plump pink lips.

"And the fact that you're so unreasonably beautiful doesn't help my situation.." He whispered, his hot breath hitting her cheeks. Lilith smiled softly and was about to pull him closer when she heard it. Far away but she definitely heard it. The snap of a few twigs behind Dallas snapped her out of her slight daze as she glanced behind him, making sure it wasn't her familiars. When she caught sight of a dark figure standing just barely behind a tree a few feet away from them, she slowly leaned up and whispered in Dallas's ear, trying not to be noticeable as she dropped one of her hands and flexed her fingers, ready to call her bow at any moment.

"Don't make it obvious and look behind you, but I think we have an audience." She whispered, pulling him closer and pressing his chest against hers as Dallas moved to wrap an arm protectively around her waist.

"What does he look like?" He asked, the softness of his voice being replaced with seriousness as she tried to push down the giddy feeling of his arm around her.

"I can't tell, but we're about to find out." She said as she flicked her wrist and in one smooth, quick movement, she drew her bow and aimed at the tree, releasing it and watching as it just barely missed the figure and hit the tree behind him. The figure yelled something inaudible and stumbled, falling to the ground as the light of the moon hit his face. Lilith blinked at the familiar figure she spoke to just a few moments before and then sighed, quickly deactivating her weapon as Dallas turned around and stood in front of Lilith protectively.

"Luke what are you doing?"

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