Chapter 25

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Lilith barely slept during the time she was hanging in the room. She couldn't feel her arms anymore and her body felt weak. The fact that the fluid that she was constantly being injected with blocked all of her powers made her feel even weaker and sicker, to the point where she could barely even keep her eyes opened. She'd hadn't showered in weeks, and she'd been in the same undergarments since she was kidnapped, so they were obviously stained with blood, sweat and dirt. The only time she was let down from the chains was to use the restroom, and even then she was too weak to walk. The creature had to drag her to the run down bathroom.

"Aren't you stubborn. I know you feel it, it's dying to come out. Just stop your torture already and let it out." The Beast spoke as he stood in front of her, his hands ready to stab into her milky yet dirty skin once more. Lilith groaned, her head hanging as she shook it in response.

"I will never give you that satisfaction." She mumbled weakly before a pain, curdled scream erupted from her throat as he stabbed her hips with his nails, the fluid flowing through her veins once more. She didn't know how much longer she could take it, she was losing her mind and her will to even live every time she felt that fluid enter her system. Tears streamed down her dirty cheeks as she grasped onto the chains once more, crying out again and again.

"Please! Please just let me go!" She cried out as the creature laughed darkly, digging his nails further into her hips and causing her screams to grow even louder.

"Just let it go, Lilith. Once you set her free, all the pain will go away." He spoke as her head dropped once more, her eyes closing. She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted it to stop. Before she let herself succumb to the awaiting darkness, she heard a loud roar rumble through the cold, wet stone walls and as soon as the sound was made, the creatures nails were out of her skin, causing blood to pour out of the puncture wounds.

Lilith couldn't bring herself to look up as the door to the stone room flew open. Her body too weak, too close to the darkness as the fluid continued to flow through her veins.


They've been traveling for days now, and Dallas began to get frustrated as the days went by without any sign of Lilith. Until one morning. They were traveling through the woods, looking at each and every thing surrounding them for any sign of Lilith, when Ash suddenly stopped in his tracks. Dallas raised his brow and looked down at him, considering he was riding the large animal.

"What's wrong? Do you have something?" He asked, his heart beginning to pump in excitement as Ash sniffed the air around them. Then the moment Ash took a step, Olive perked up and hissed, looking around also.

Dallas looked up at the group he'd been travelling with, and before he could say anything, Ash was suddenly taking off in a sprint, nearly knocking Dallas right off his back. Without hesitation, the group followed him on their horses as he tried to grasp onto the lions fur.

"Faster, Ash!" Dallas yelled as he tried to duck branches along the way. It wasn't long before Ash had come to a sudden stop, crouching and growling as he neared an abandoned building hidden deep within the woods. The group had finally caught up with him, looking around before glancing at each other. But, before anyone could question where they were at, a loud, painful, curdling scream filled their ears as Dallas's eyes widened in realization; Lilith. They all instantly took off towards the abandoned building, following Lilith's broken screams.

Dallas's heart was racing as they entered the building and he instantly hopped off the animal and took off towards the door where her scream was the loudest. Another scream filled their ears and Ash roared in response as Dallas kicked the door open. They came face to face with a long hall, and Dallas glanced at Ash who glanced back at him before they both took off down the hall to the door at the end of it, Lilith's screams getting louder and louder. Though, once Ash roared once more, her screams halted and Dallas growled darkly as Ash bursted through the door, James and everyone else following suit.

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