Chapter 30

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Lilith's eyes were wide, stuck in a moment of shock that she didn't even realize she'd stopped breathing for a second.

"How..." She finally said after a long minute, causing the Beast to laugh loudly once more.

"Oh my sweet little Fae, since the beginning. Since your father chose him as your protector, he's been reporting back to me. How do you think I got so much information on you?" He said, waving the civilian elf as if she were a rag doll. She whimpered, kicking as if trying to free herself from his hold.

"Dallas you son of a-!" Luke started from the other side of the room, but was interrupted when he was thrown against the wall by the wind flying from the Beasts hand. Lilith's eyes brimmed with tears as she took a few deep breaths, trying to pull herself out of her shock and heartbreak. Her breaths came in short pants as she swallowed thickly, before closing her eyes as she contacted Venom.

Come quickly, I need your help. She said before opening her eyes again as she stared up at the tall ceiling for a moment.

"You mean to tell me..this whole time...our entire relationship, was a lie?" She finally managed, clenching her fists.

"Lilith..." Was all he said, and suddenly she was overwhelmed with anger as something sharp clicked in the back of her mind. After another second, she suddenly felt something furry climb into her hand and she instantly ran her thumb along it gently.

Bite him, but only use enough venom to paralyze him for a minute, not enough to kill. She demanded and felt the spider crawl up her arm and onto Dallas's without being noticed. In the next second, Dallas suddenly yelled in pain, stumbling back from Lilith as he looked at his arm with wide eyes. No more than a second later, he suddenly fell to the floor, his eyes wide as he laid there, still as a log. Lilith held Venom out in her hand, turning as she glared down at Dallas, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. She wanted to break down right there, seeing him like that. She felt so betrayed, it frustrated her and broke her heart into a million pieces. She knew their relationship was too good to be true, he was too good to be true. But she couldn't break down no matter how much she wanted to, not now. So with a hard glare and a deep breath, she began to speak.

"Brazilian Wandering Spider. A single bite can stop your heart and keep you from breathing. Don't worry, he was generous, but next time he won't be." She said darkly as she leaned down, allowing the spider to crawl off of her and onto Dallas.

"I loved you, Dallas. You meant the world to me. Don't ever think you can come back into my life after all of this is over. And trust me, you chose the wrong heart to break." She growled as a few tears slipped from her eyes and onto his cheeks. Venom crawled onto Dallas's neck, ready to bite at the next command as Lilith stood and turned towards the Beast, who was staring at her in slight shock. She glared darkly at him as she twitched her wrist, and in the next moment she was aiming the bow at him.

"Put her down, your fight is with me." She demanded as the Beast grinned, and she could visibly see his hand tightening around her neck, cutting her circulation.

"Or what-" He started but Lilith had already shot the bow, and the arrow ended up in his arm, causing him to yell out and drop the lady, causing her to gasp and cough violently. The Beast growled and groaned in pain, and was about to speed towards her when he was suddenly knocked down by a wave of water, causing Lilith to blink in confusion as she looked to the side, only to see none other than Octavia.

"So this is the Beast, hm? He looks quite atrocious." She stated, walking towards Lilith while keeping her hand out towards the Beast, holding him down. Though Lilith wouldn't respond, her hands beginning to shake when she felt the familiar, haunting feeling creeping up from the back of her mind. She swallowed thickly, watching as the Beast laughed loudly and twitched his hand, knocking Octavia back into the crowd and causing the hold she had on him to disappear. He stood in an instant, lifting his hand as Octavia flew towards him, her eyes wide and holding her throat as if she couldn't breathe. Lilith's hands shook even more. No no no, not now... She thought as she closed her eyes for a quick second.

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