Chapter 8

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She'd officially lost count of how many people she'd been introduced to within the last hour. She'd met leaders and warriors, members of her clan as well as other clans, and Elders who were previous leaders of the clans, as well as many more. She'd begun to get tired after a while, the long trip she'd taken part of just a few hours earlier finally setting into her tired and heavy limbs. It made meeting more new people and attempting to have conversation with them a lot harder as the minutes ticked on.

She thought she was going to fall asleep standing up if it wasn't for one of the clan leaders, who she'd met first and was the chief of the Silverluna clan, announcing that the feast was coming to an end and everyone should proceed to their own cabins and settle in for the night.

Those were the best words she'd heard all night.

Letting out a heavy sigh of relief, she stretched her muscles out, holding her arms above her head and arching her back just a bit, smiling a little at the relieving feeling of some of her bones popping. Letting her arms drop back to her sides, she fixed her dress and looked around, raising a brow as she searched for her parents who seemed to be lost in the crowd. In other words, it was actually her who was lost in the crowd. Huffing a little, she moved past a few happy campers, who in turn smiled and nodded their head at her in acknowledgement. She too nodded at them before moving on, before she was halted at a sight she'd seen at the corner of her eyes. Turning slowly and swallowing thickly, Lilith peered into the trees of the woods. Just when she was about to convince herself that she was hallucinating, those gold, terrifying eyes slowly appeared, as if the creature behind them purposely had them closed. They stared right at her, locking eyes with her own bright green ones. She gasped and took a step back, then another, and then another until she ran into something behind her, causing her to stumble a bit and pull her eyes away from those haunting gold eyes.

"Hey sweetie, are you okay?" Her dad said from behind her, gently grabbing her shoulders to keep her balanced as she looked up at him. Blinking, she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her father simply chuckled and tucked a white strand of hair behind her ear.

"You seem tired pumpkin, come on, let's go get some rest and we can discuss your classes tomorrow." He said, wrapping a caring arm around her shoulder as he began to lead her towards her mom, who in turn smiled lightly at them. She wanted to ask what he meant by classes, but she couldn't seem to get out the words. All she could focus on were those gold eyes watching her leave, before disappearing into the darkness of the woods before she could register what happened, or if she was simply seeing things.

Well, there goes her rest she needed for the night.


She'd woken up pretty late the next morning, later than she was used to at least. It was still morning, but the sun was higher in the sky, which means it was closer to noon than she'd like to admit. Blinking, she sat up slowly in her bed, stretching her body out for a second to get the blood flowing through her limbs evenly once more. As she did so, she couldn't help but notice that the wounds she'd received just a few days before were nearly healed. She didn't know if it was apart of her being an Elf, or if they'd given her something really strong to speed up the process, but that was a question to be asked later once the day had started and she threw more questions at her father.

"Lilith! Are you up honey?!" Her mother called from what she assumed was the kitchen. Smiling lightly, she carefully threw her legs over the edge of the bed, stretching them out once more.

"Yeah! I'll be out in a minute!" Lilith called back, moving to her closet on the far left side of her cabin room to choose an outfit for the day. Her room wasn't as big as her old room back in the city, but it was a decent size and was very cozy. The bed was quite soft and smelled of sweet pine, the comforters warm and fluffy as well as the pillows. There was a small, brown fluffy chair in the corner of the room as well as a few small bean bags here and there. Overall it was quite a cozy room.

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