Chapter 34

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"So you think the markings on your face are showing the fact that you have control of the Kitsune?" James said from next to Octavia as he inspected the white Kitsune markings on her face. Lilith nodded confidently, sliding her sleeve up and turning her wrist up towards them.

"When I first got somewhat control of it at the castle, a Kitsune tattoo appeared on my wrist. Now it's gone, replaced by white markings on my face. I don't think it's some sort of coincidence, especially since the markings are an exact replica of the ones of Inari's face." She explained as she rolled her sleeve back down. Octavia seemed to screw her face in concentration as she leaned towards Lilith, seemingly awed by the sight before her.

"And the red in your eyes? How does that relate?" She questioned as she somewhat gestured to her eyes using her pointer finger.

"I'm guessing it's because the markings on Inari's face are red." Lilith said with a shrug. As Octavia nodded and turned away, Lilith took the chance to glance at Luke. After Octavia barged into the infirmary with humor written all over her features, Lilith and Luke jumped away from each other as if they were the plague, their cheeks burning a bright red. Ever since then, Luke hadn't said a word, much less looked at her. He simply sat there playing with his ripped shirt he'd slipped back on in the midst of Lilith explaining what had happened to her.

"My parents...are they okay?" Lilith asked softly as she finally looked away from Luke, her eyes landing on James who looked at her with slight pity.

"They were a little...shaken up after you lunged at your mother. We parted ways before we got here, your father said they were going home. They were just a little shocked, Lilith, give them a second to wrap their head around the fact that their daughter is a completely different person, and they weren't here to see you change." James said, softly as he reached over and laid his hand over hers. She sighed softly and nodded, clearing her throat as she pulled away slowly and stood up.

"I kind of expected it, hence why I didn't want them to see me that way. Thank you for helping me gain control, and thank you Octavia for going out of your way for it." Lilith said quietly as she brushed her pure white hair behind her pointy ear before glancing at her familiars, watching as they immediately made their way towards her.

"I hope you have a safe trip back, High Priestess. Thank you." Octavia nodded, staring at Lilith sadly as she too stood from the infirmary bed she was sitting on.

"I shall, you focus on keeping that control, little Fae. I'll be in touch." She said with a soft smile, gently tapping Lilith on the shoulder. Lilith nodded and glanced at Luke one more time, before turning and walking out of the room, her familiars quickly following after her.

Once she was out of the infirmary, she'd gently climbed on top of Ash, nodding down at him as they slowly made their way back to the falls. She was dying to see her parents and apologize profusely for lashing out at her mother, but she was too scared to even go near her cabin at the moment. Scared that she'd screwed everything up, scared that they would be terrified of her. So she decided that going to the falls would probably be best, giving her time to calm down and her parents time to wrap their heads around what had happened.

When she'd finally arrived at the falls, the sun was beginning to set, the air around her beginning to get chilly as a soft breeze brushed through her soft white strands. Jumping down from Ash, she gently ran her fingers through his dark fur before smiling softly as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air and the scent of the many flowers surrounding her.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an excruciating pain began to fill her head, as if someone were taking a dull knife and sawing right through her skull. A loud, pained scream erupted from her lips as she fell to her knees, holding her head as if it were going to stop the pain. Her eyes were wide, mouth agape as she continued to scream. She felt warm liquid begin to trickle down from her ears, eyes, and mouth, but she thought nothing of it as the pain increased. And just as suddenly, flashes of blurry images began to fill her sight, her ears beginning to ring as she continued to gasp for air between her pain filled screams. The images continued flashing, and through her torture, she was able to recognize some of them. A few of the pictures contained Dallas, as well as her old human school. Oddly enough, Dallas seemed to be standing in front of that school, but he wasn't alone. She had the unfortunate realization that he was standing next to none other than the Beast, who had a twisted grin plastered on his face. Similar pictures continued flashing in front of her eyes, and she was able to catch a date and a time in the midst of everything.

The pain and the images seemed to go on for hours, but in all reality it had only been a minute, and before the images stopped, a voice in the back of her mind spoke. It was faint, quiet, but definitely familiar. Your blood is the key, little Fae.

She gasped loudly, the pain subsiding as the images faded. Her vision was blurry, and her ears continued to ring, blocking out any sound around her. Her mind was fuzzy, and not the good kind of fuzzy. For a moment, she couldn't think straight, all she was aware of was the pain surfacing her entire skull and vibrating throughout her whole body, causing her muscles to tense.

"Ash.." She finally managed, her voice hoarse and rough as she held out her hand, still unable to see anything clearly in front of her. Though, she wasn't surprised to find that he was already in front of her, trying to lift her on top of him as if already knowing what she wanted. She moaned in slight pain as she forced her legs to move, standing back up with shaking knees as she crawled onto her familiars body. Once she was finally situated, he took off towards the camp, Lilith holding on for dear life as she tried to stay awake. She needed to get to someone, needed to tell someone before she let herself give in to the awaiting darkness.

It felt like days before she finally returned to the camp, and she wasted no time as she forced her body off of Ash, yelling out in pain as she did so.

"James!" She called, using all the strength she could muster to lift her body to her feet once more. Ash whimpered besides her, pressing his body against her own in attempt to keep her upright.

"James! Luke!" She called once more, crying out softly as the pain in her head grew more and more, becoming almost unbearable.

"Lilith?" Her head shot up at the voice, though she could still hardly see anything. Also she could make out was a male figure closing in on her. Though, the voice definitely belonged to James. She groaned and attempted to move closer to him, nearly falling if it wasn't for Ash using his body as support.

"Holy shi-" He started once he was in close enough range to see the condition Lilith was in. Before he could say or do anything more, another familiar voice filled the air, taking Lilith off guard when a pair of warm, strong arms enveloped her. She couldn't really make out who it was, but the way she was being held gave it away. Luke's face was in her vision in a matter of seconds, and she felt slightly better at the sight of those bright green eyes staring back at her.

James was by her side at seconds, his eyes wide with concern as he reached over to wipe the warm liquid from her cheeks. She was surprised to find his fingers filled with her blood when he pulled back.

"Jesus, Lilith, what happened?" He asked, though it was hardly audible and she could barely make out any words as her body slowly relaxed into Lukes.

"I know-I know what he's planning...I know how to stop him.." Was the last thing she said before she finally succumbed to the darkness pulling her in, her eyes closing as she fell limp against Luke's body.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for not updating in so long, a lot of things came up and I have been incredibly busy, but I'm back! I understand this chapter is short, I had to get back in the flow after not being able to write in so long. I hope you enjoy! And I will be updating more often now. Thanks for reading!

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