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Jeremiah POV

"Jeremiah Gaulden!"The principle called my name and I jumped up from my chair, hearing my family cheer for me from the stands. Of course, as the class clown that I am, I broke into a dance as I accepted my diploma. The principal and I took a picture for the yearbook.

After a long haul, I had finally graduated from high school a year early. I made my way back to my seat just as my best friend, Trenton was called to accept his diploma. "Nigga we made it!"I yelled, dapping him up. After a while, the class of 2018 was able to throw our hats up into the air as a celebration.

Summer has officially started and I was more than excited to be done with high school. "I'm so proud of you baby!"Mama kissed my cheek.

I took pictures with the people in my family and some of my friends from school so we could remember each other and this special day.

"Aye, you still coming to my house tomorrow?"Trenton asked me as we walked to the parking lot.

"Nah but I'll see you at the end of school summer bash next week."I declined because I knew I'd be gifted with a special visit from a special someone that I haven't seen in years.

"Now time for college planning!"My god-mom, Bel, said after everyone piled in the car.

"Whoa!"I laughed. "Let's not talk about college right now."

"Why not?"Dad asked.

"I just left school. Gimme some time to not think about jumping right back into another one."I pleaded.

"Yeah, that's what summer is for."My god-sister, Shivangi(shih-van-gee) chimed in.

"You're next,"Mama told her and she facepalmed herself in annoyance making everyone laugh. Shivangi is only in tenth grade so her high school graduation will be coming sooner than later. "That is, after Colten."Ki, my god father, asked if I wanted to go out to eat but I declined, saying that I was tired. I truly was exhausted after being on the go all day, getting ready for graduation. On the way home, everyone engaged in a conversation until Dad spoke up about my eighteenth birthday. My birthday is in two weeks and I'm honestly ready for it. I'll be grown with a whole new slate.

We made it back to the house to be greeted with balloons from my uncle Kendall and auntie Bridget. Yep! You heard it right; my uncle finally decided to settle down with someone.

"Congratulations Miah!"Auntie yelled, pulling me into a hug. I put on a smile and hugged her back, taking the balloons.

"We bought you a cake lil man."Dad waved me over to the kitchen. I prepared to let him have it.

"I'm not a lil man nomore Dad,"I huffed.

"You gon' always be my lil man."He tried to hug me but I shook away.

"That!"I pointed to the staircase where my sixteen year old brother, Colten was coming down. "That lil nigga right there, is your lil man."I corrected my father.

"Congrats bro."Colten mumbled, opening the refrigerator. "Thanks,"I replied.

"Take a shot!"Mama tried to push the glass of alcohol my way. I shook my head and held my hand out to say I didn't want it. I don't really like to drink although I've done it before. I managed to escape from downstairs and left those oldies drunk off their asses. "Wazzam!"I yelled to my cats, Abel and Babushka, making them jump off the bed to greet me.

Abel and Babushka were rescued by me and they've been in my life for ten years now. They're getting pretty old these days but still have the energy of a small child.

"Man, I'm tired as hell."I muttered to myself, snatching the graduation gown from my body and plopping on the bed. See, I'm smart. Check this out: under my gown, I had on pajamas so I could fall asleep just about anywhere and still be comfortable. In less than ten minutes, I was out like a light.

"Bestieee!"I heard an unfamiliar voice scream in my ear. Despite wanting to sleep a little longer, I forced myself to open my eyes and look around.

"Ayo, who the fuck are you? And why are my blinds open?"I yelled, sitting up in my bed.

A pout formed on the girl's face as she stepped back. "Don't you remember me?"She asked with a hand on her hip.

"You look familiar."I shrugged. "Duh! Because I'm your best friend!"She replied.

"Shit Jordan!"I smiled and got up to hug her. "Ian recognize your voice, girl, you sound like a grown woman."

She laughed. "I mean, I sort've am grown in a sense. Look at you!"

"Look at me? Look at you!"

She sat down on my bed and began to rub on Abel's fur. "You know I don't like waking up early, close these dang blinds."I pulled the string to close them and proceeded to get back in my bed until Jordan stopped me.

"Uh uh! You need to get dressed."

"For what, man,"I huffed in annoyance.

"Because you have a car right? Your parents said you have to take me wherever I want to go since you know Miami and I don't."

"I am not your baby sitter."I pulled he comforter back. "Please Miah! Get up!"She whined.

"Not even after mornin' time and you already aggravating me."I smacked her now fat thighs. She used to be so skinny when we were kids; I wonder what happened.

"So you'll take me sight seeing?"She smiled that pretty smile that always got me to do whatever she wanted.

"I guess. Gimme a few minutes."I left my room and went into the bathroom connected to it to get ready for the day.

Okay so as y'all may know from previous books, I'm not really good with first chapters😂. And my apologies since it was short. Did y'all like this chapter??

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