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Jeremiah POV

"Villain" by my dad blasted throughout the car as I rode around the city with no particular destination. I was in a reminiscing type mood today, thinking about how my life used to be and relating my past to my present.

2018 did more bad to me than good but I am certain 2019 will make up for that. I lost both of my parents in just a span of two weeks, lost my cat and held many other downfalls to my name. But I have to let all of that go for the sake of my own mental health. My dad and I had a rocky relationship due to how he used to treat my mother but in the end, he and I came out with a strong father-son bond. My mom and I, although she used to work a lot when I was younger, when I got older our bond got better as well. I still remember my moms death as if it happened just yesterday; it still hurts me every time I think about it so I try not to even though I can't help it. I know sometimes as kids, we tend to take our parents for granted a lot but I'm here to say you should cherish every moment you're with them. No matter the situation or circumstances because anything could happen and they could be gone within the blink of an eye. I still remember my moms death like the back of my hand and it still hurts me every time I think about it so I try not to even though I can't help it.

"The hell happened to you Ma?"I questioned, plopping on the king size bed beside her. "And where's Dad and Colten?"

"He went to get me some medicine and Colten went with his mom."

"Medicine for what?"

"Miah, I'm sick. Can't you see,"

"No, I couldn't tell. You look good."

"I'm not good."

"Well, what's the problem?"Silently, I prayed to myself that she wouldn't say what I was thinking.

"I went to the doctor and they ran some tests on me. The doctor found a few lumps in my breast."


"I have cancer, Miah. They just put my prescription in so Ken went to get it."

"I know you lying."

"Do I look like I'm lying, boy stop playing!"She said. "You always think I'm joking around."

"You gonna live though, right?"

"I'm living right now, ain't I?"

"Mama, stop actin' like that."

She huffed and rolled over in the bed. I shook my head at her.

"Got your stuff baby,"Dad walked in with a bag from Walgreens.

"The fuck goin' on with her?"I asked him.

"She just goin' through something, she'll be okay."

We watched her roll over onto her back and sit up. Dad opened the pill bottle and gave it to her.

"You think ima swallow a dry ass pill boy?"She spat at him.

"What you want to drink then?"

"Miah, go get me some orange juice."

I left the bedroom and went to the kitchen, collected a glass cup from the cabinet and got the jug from the refrigerator. "Where's Nicki?"Jordan asked me.

"She not feeling too good at the moment."I said as little as possible. I don't need Jordan getting worked up about something she has no control over; that's why I'm going to try not to think too much of it. A loud thump sounded. I grabbed the glass and took it to my parents' room.

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