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Shivangi POV

"Stop calling my name!"I yelled at my Dad. "Bring your ass down here then!"He demanded. I lazily rolled out of the bed and slid on my slippers.

"What man?"I snapped.

"Why do you have such a bad attitude alla time sweetheart?"Mom asked.

"Y'all waking me up all times of the night for what!"I yelled, annoyed. They woke me up from a good ass slumber so now I'm pissed. It had to be like one in the morning.

"We just wanted you to turn off the light,"Dad spoke up.

"You like you can't get the fuck outta your bed and turn off your own damn light!"I cussed at them and slapped the light switch, making it point towards the ground. "There! Ya happy?"

"I'm glad."He replied. I stomped back up to my room and tried to get some more sleep before school tomorrow. The weekend came and gone and tomorrow, Denala and I had to present our project to the class. She stayed at my house the whole day Saturday and Sunday so I needed my sleep for class tomorrow.

I saw my phone flashing and picked it up. "Nala🤩" was calling. "What is she doing up at this time of night?"I whispered, answering. I put it on speaker and laid back in the bed.


"He's about to do it again."She sniffled.

I raised back up so quick. "Whose about to do what?"

"My moms boyfriend. He's getting drunk off his ass right now so he can do it again."

"Where you at?"

"The bathroom."



"Shit... hello? Uh, why yeen call ya mama?"

"She told me not to call her at work. Can you come get me?"

Did she just ask me to come get her? I feel like I'm not even thinking straight right now; I'm so tired.


"Yeah, I'm coming."

"Stay on the phone with me please."


I bust through my parents room and went over to my moms dresser.

"Why you walkin' in without knockin'? We coulda been in here fuckin'!"Mama said.

"Lock the door next time. Lemme borrow the keys to the Ferrari real quick."

"Where do you think you going at one o'clock in the morning?"Dad raises his head up to look at me.

"I'll be back. Lemme use the keys."

"Here! And stop bustin' in my room!"She shoved the keys at me and I took them.

"I don't have my contacts in so it might take a while. Hold tight,"

I heard banging on the other end followed by a mans voice. "Get your ass outta there! I need that young pussy!"The man screamed. My phone vibrated, letting me know that she sent her address.

When I turned the car on, the loud music made me jump. I was not expecting that. Dad must've been in here, I thought as I turned the radio off. I hated driving in the dark. I overheard the man groan and seconds later, glass breaking.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"I just jumped off the roof."She said through heavy breaths.


"Did you want me to get raped or would you rather me save myself?"

I pulled up to an apartment complex and got out of the car. "Denala!"I called.

"I'm right here."She grabbed me, helping herself from the ground.

"Are you okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay? Stop with the stupid questions!"

I walked her back to the car and we got in. "I don't know. I can't really see you."

She scoffed.

"Can I get a thank you?"

"Thank you."

"For?"I was just messing with her. It's my way of trying to get her mind off of what could've happened to her tonight.

"For coming to get me."She rolled her eyes. We made it back to the house safely and I returned the keys back to my parents. "I'm hungry,"She complained.

"You know where the kitchen is."I turned over, pulled the covers up over my body and went back to sleep.

Jeremiah POV

I stapled the last paper I had on a park bench before wiping my face. All day, I've been hanging papers all over Miami with Jordan's picture. It included her age, a huge and clear picture of her, her height, what she was wearing the last time I laid eyes on her and multiple other details.

" 'Scuse me, please! Spread the word! My baby, she's missing!"Chrisette cried to the strangers standing outside of a market.

The whole family was out and about, hanging papers around as well.

"Maybe we should go out tonight."Haley said once we were in the car.

"The fu- hell no!"

"I'm just trying to take your mind off the situation."

"My mind will never be off the situation until I get my best friend back."I set her ass straight, turning the radio back down. She had it loud and she didn't even help me hang up the posts; she sat in the car the whole time which irked me.

"You talkin' like you love her, sheesh."She went through her purse and pulled out a nail filer to file her nails.

"I do love her. The fuck you mean."

"Maybe you should love her a bit less and me a bit more."

I pulled over on the side of the road. This sudden attitude Haley's giving me is really getting on my last nerves specially since I'm already on edge. Of all people, I expect my girlfriend to understand how I'm feeling. How could she be so insensitive towards a difficult time such as this...

"Get the fuck out the car!"I demanded, leaning over and opening the door for her.

"What? Why?"

"Because you sound really selfish right now. Get out!"

"Are you really going to make me walk home? Jeremiah, it's not that serious."She tried to reason with me but I wasn't hearing it.

"My best friend just fuckin' went missin' and you sayin' shit ain't that serious?"

"I did help you! I came out with you in this hot ass weather."

"You sat in the car the whole time. That ain't helping."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't want to stand in the heat."

My foot came down on the break pedal once I pulled up on the sidewalk of her parents' house.

"Are you gonna come in?"

"It's best if I don't."I continued to look the other way. I heard her sigh followed by my car door shutting. And with that, I pulled off.

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