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Jordan POV

"Jordan!"Miah screamed, making me jump. The change in his voice is what scared me the most as he stomped into the bedroom.

"Yes?"I continued to take the earrings from my ears and place them back in the box they came in. I had taken off my dress and changed into a pair of shorts.

"Have you looked at Instagram recently?"He asked, standing beside me at the sink.

"No, I actually haven't been on there all day."I answered.

"So I take it that you haven't seen this video that surfaced the internet today."

"What video?"

"Oh just two girls having sex outside."

My eyes widened but I quickly hid it when I turned to face him.

"What does that have to do with us?"I shrugged. He followed me to the bedroom. He showed me the phone and the caption was the first thing that caught my eye. "Sis said they couldn't wait to get inside😂😂" the caption read. My face popped up on the screen.

"You think that's me?"I asked him.

"Ion know, you tell me."He folded his arms across his chest.

"Maybe that's a doppelgänger. I'd never cheat on you baby."I responded, turning the phone off and climbing in his lap.

"Sure ya wouldn't."He said in a dull tone.

"Miah, I love you. I wouldn't do anything like that to you. After all of the stuff we've been through and all the years we've known each other, you think I'd lie to you about something like that. Wow!"

"I guess you're right. I love you too baby girl."

I leaned in for a kiss but he pushed me off. "What was that for?"I asked, scrunching up my eyebrows.

"I'm going finish my food."He walked out of the room and shut the door.

I let out a well needed breath. "That was a close call."I mumbled, picking up my phone.

Me: we have to be way more careful about hay we do in the public eye

Leja💋: wym(what you mean)

Me: we almost got caught

Leja💋: we? You mean, you almost got caught. I'm not the one with the boyfriend

Me:whatever, just don't do nothing suspicious when me and you are out in public. Yk his family is famous and since I'm his gf, the media follows me around

Leja💋: not my problem

Me: 😐don't act like that rn is not the time

Leja💋: this is how I act when I'm deprived from that sweet pussy

Me: 😂🙄girl bye, ima text you later

I sat the phone on the dresser and laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"What a day..."I closed my eyes. I fell into a nap moments later.

Jessica POV

"I think I'm going into labor."I whispered, clutching my stomach.

"What? You're not due for another week or so."Vangi said.

"Looks like my baby wants to come now."I replied, getting up from the bed.

She got up to get the baby bag. "Go to the car, ima go get mama."

She began to run around the house, I could tell she was nervous. I got to the car safely and got in the backseat. I contacted my doctor to meet us at the hospital just as another contraction hit me like a truck.

When we got to Woman's Hospital, I was sent straight to the maternity ward which was on the fourth floor.

"Your baby isn't wasting any time."One of the nurses laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "She's ready to come on outta there."

I straight faced her. Now isn't the time to be cracking jokes, I do not need to be irritated while in labor.

"Your water has broken but I don't see the head."A doctor spoke up.

"What do you mean you don't see her head?"Mama Cardi asked.

"We need to do an emergency ultra sound to see what's going on with the baby."

"Is something wrong with her?"

"Won't know until we look at the ultra sound."She replied. "You're stressing me out doctor."I whined.

"Be calm, just relax. Everything's fine,"She lied. I could tell she was lying because of the worried look on her face.

"Nothing major, the thing is, the baby is too big to be conceived through vaginal birth."

"Are you calling my baby fat?"I snapped. "Deep breaths, don't worry about what they're saying."Vangi tried to calm me down.

"We're going to have to perform a cesarean section to be able to get the baby out."


"There she is!"A heart warming smile was placed onto the doctors face. The room was quiet which had me wondering why my baby wasn't crying. I thought that's how labors went; the baby is supposed to come out crying.

A very light tap made her cry which was good; everyone needed to hear that.

"My baby,"I murmured, looking down at her and she snuggled up on my chest.

The love I had already stored in my heart for her while I was pregnant, was growing quickly. Th way her eyes sparkled under the rooms lighting I swear I could've melted at the sight.

"We have to run a few tests on your baby girl to make sure she's able to go home today."

I couldn't stop my lip from poking out in sadness. "Aww, it won't take as long as you think."the doctor bought her to the other side of the room to complete the tests to make sure she's healthy.

"And while they're getting that taken care of, here's your birth certificate to fill out. Or would you like someone to fill it out for you, you look like you need some sleep,"

"Vangi..."I spoke just as my eyes shut.

Shivangi POV

I took the paper and pen and began to fill out the birth certificate.

"This is to certify that Amber Jilani(jih-lan-nee) Wilson, weighing nine pounds, four ounces was born on the nineteenth day of August to Jessica Wilson and..."I read as I filled in the blanks, trailing off when I got to the next blank. "What would I put for the dad part?"I asked.

"Leave it blank."

"In the year of 2018. Finished! Excuse my handwriting, I was nervous."I handed the document back over just as they were bringing Amber back.

Having a baby around is going to be a huge responsibility but I'm ready to step up and be the helping hand that i know Jessica will need.

So the baby is finally here! What y'all think?

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