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Jordan POV

"Is that the same bitch I saw waiting for the elevator?"I questioned.

"Might've been."

"That fake light-skin wanna be Casper the ghost ass bitch!"I yelled to the top of my lungs, smacking the shit out of him.

"Aye calm down."He grabbed my hands.

"Why would you do that to me..."I pouted.

"We single last time I checked."

"We are building our relationship back up."I corrected.

"Yeah because YOU broke it down! We wouldn't be in this predicament if you woulda never cheated on me."He shot back.

"How many times do I have to apologize for that,"

"Until it stops hurting me!"

I could see the tears building up in his eyes. "I'm not gonna hurt you anymore."I promised, trying to get closer to him.

I could tell that I really hurt him and it hurt me to see him cry like that. To know that I'm the reason that all of this is happening...

He cried himself to sleep that night. I shimmied out from under him and moved his head from my chest.

I went to clean up the living room and got rid of the sex smell then went back to the bedroom to see Miah still asleep.

I got his phone and typed in the password to open it surprised to see he hasn't changed it or took my finger print out.

I went through his messages and found nothing then went to his Snapchat. I found exactly what I was looking for. I blocked the Casper bitch off all of his social medias and sat his phone back down. I'm not allowing anyone to get in the way of our relationship.

I love him and I know he loves me; we have so much history. Therefor, ain't no chick about to get in the way of what we have. She's just a one night stand anyway...

The next day

After breakfast this morning, I convinced Miah to check his YouTube channel. He hit two million subscribers and we made a video which caught his fans up to date. We kept it short though.

We planned to do a vlog later on but for now, we were just coolin' like old times.

"What cha lookin' at?"I got closer to him on the loveseat.

"Some houses, I'm ready for a fresh start. Ti'ed of living in an apartment."He replied.

"Would you let me move in?"

"Yeah, why not? What type of question is that."

"I just had to make sure."I giggled. "Me, you and our little ones."

"Little ones? Whoa, girl!"


"We just getting back on track and we still young."

"I know that. I'm just saying."

"Tryna have my babies,"He smirked.

I smiled. "You know I wanna have your babies, but if you don't want me to..."I trailed off.

"Oh no, I want you to."He assured me, scrolling down on the laptop screen.


We continued to look at the houses in silence for a few minutes.

"What you think about this one?"He asked me. "Eh, it's aight. It ain't allat."i gave my honest opinion.

"I like this one."I pointed my finger at the house in the very bottom left corner.

"Yeah me too."He clicked on it. The website stated that the house was five thousand square feet coming in with six bedrooms and 4 1/2 bathrooms. We looked more into this house.

"But do we really need all that space? It's only gonna be me, you and Colten and the cats."I pointed out.

"Ain't you said you wanted to have some babies?"He spoke up. "That's the master bedroom for us, a bedroom and bath for Colten, then the rest of the rooms would be for our offspring."

"But how many you tryna give me? 'Cause I really don't think we need all those rooms in there."

"Any number under five."He limited me, making me laugh.

"Your parents did leave us some long money and we not gonna be alive that long to spend it all."

Jeremiah's dad left us billions of dollars and his mother left us the millions that she had saved up over the years.

"So yeah, we can have four kids and they'll have enough money for their kids."

"Ion think we ever gonna run out of cash."I laughed.

"If we keep flippin' it the right way."

We shared a kiss.

This chapter was a little on the short side but what did y'all think? What y'all think gonna happen next?

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