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Jordan POV

"I thought you changed your mind about coming over,"Aleja locked the front door.

"Nah, show me to the food!"I screamed, walking into what I think is the kitchen.

"Girl hush, my Dad sleep."She shushed me. I went through her pantry and refrigerator, found an apple and began to cut it so I could eat it easier.

"I didn't know your parents were here. You shoulda said something."

"My step-mama not here, she went to the store. My dad in his room tryna sleep for work so you gotta be extra quiet."


"Yeah. You'on gotta worry about her, she's cool. Let's go to my room."

I wrapped the apple slices up into a napkin, grabbed a drink then followed her down the hall and into her room. This is my first time coming to her house so I was checking out every piece of scenery.

I took a seat at the foot of her bed, turning around to see her posted up against the wall looking like this:

I took a seat at the foot of her bed, turning around to see her posted up against the wall looking like this:

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"Where you 'bout to go lookin' like that?"

"I was gonna go with Colette until you told me you were on your way over."

"Whose that?"

"My step-mom."

"Oh. What happened to your real mom?"I started to untie my shoes so I could take them off. I came in my pajamas since it's night time and I don't know think we're going to be doing much of anything.

"She overdosed on clozapine pills when I was four."She unzipped the top of her shirt to take it off.

"Dang. Do you remember anything about her?"My nosiness was getting ahold of me.

"Nothing except what my father tells me when I ask. I don't ask about it much because it makes him sad. She suffered from schizophrenia and horrible anxiety he said."

The room went quiet as I looked at the pictures on her dresser. "Is that her?"I couldn't help but to ask. There was a picture of an older looking lady, a small child which I already knew was Aleja and a man on the other side with his hands around the both of them.

"Yep. That's her and my dad. He said that picture was taken a few days before she overdosed. And of course that's me in the middle."

"You're an exact replica of her from what I see."

"Everyone tells me that but I personally think I look more like my father."

I bit into an apple slice, made sure it was crunched up enough before swallowing.

"Now you know you too old to be watching Disney."I laughed.

"Girl, Disney interesting. They be doing some crazy stuff."

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