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Jessica in M/M
Vangi POV

"Thank you Mrs.Cephus!"Jess cried, squeezing mama. We skipped school today and went to the center to get those papers signed. And as of now, I finally have a sibling I can call my own.

"You're like the sibling I never had."I cheesed, hugging her tight.

"Same. I think I'm an only child."

"Not anymore."

We got in the car and went on over to pick up smoothies before her doctors appointment. I listened closely as the doctor asked her questions on how she felt physically and emotionally and checked her weight, blood pressure and urine. Next, the obgyn pulled out her stethoscope and checked for the baby's heartbeat. A look of concern flashed across Ms.Reynolds'(obgyn) face making me raise up.

"What's up with that face Doc?"I asked.

She looked up at me. "I can't find the heartbeat."She moved the bell across Jess' stomach. I looked at my mom for an answer. "It's okay."Ma whispered, clutching my hand.

After a few minutes of looking, the doctor stood up straight and went over to the computer. She typed up a few words, rubbed the gel on Jessica's stomach. We all looked up at the tv screen to see the baby, she finally found the heartbeat after two minutes. After measuring her abdomen, we got to the good part: finding out the gender.

"And we're moving. And we're moving. Let's see that gender baby."Ms.Reynolds chuckled trying to lighten the intense mood.

"Looks like your having a girl!"She gave a warming smile. "Would you like an ultrasound?"


"I'll be back with your ultrasound pictures and we'll take a look at the products in your urine."Ms.Reynolds left the room, shutting the door behind herself.

"Amber it is!"I spoke up. Jess nodded, agreeing.

"Did y'all ever think of middle names?"Mama asked.


"How does Eliana sound?"

"Ooh that's pretty. Ima think about it."

The doctor came back with the pictures and we passed them around, looking at the baby. After Ms.Reynolds told her to keep drinking lots of water and limit her intake of sodas, we left.

"Mama let the top down."I suggested, pulling my hair from the high ponytail it was placed in this morning. I turned the radio up and started a video on Snapchat just as she pressed the button to let the top down. Of course we got looks from people we passed on the street, they could've been staring at the expensive looking car or bothered by our loud music. We made it back home just in time so Mom could start on dinner.

"What you about to make?"I asked.

"Stew and potatoes with chicken."

"I'm going take a shower but when I get out I wanna skin the potatoes and chop the meat up for you."


Jordan POV

"Please just promise me you won't forget about me."My mom whispered with tears in her eyes. She had to drop me off at the airport for my flight to Florida and we were saying our goodbyes.

"I'll never forget my mommy. You carried me for seven and a half months and raised me to be the woman that I am today. Im grateful and appreciate all of the things you've done for me Mama. You made so many ends meet for me to have the things I wanted and needed, without a mans help. You're the best mom ever known to mankind and the lessons you have taught me, I will take them with me to my new home."

"Flight 120 to Miami Florida leaves in ten minutes. Please board the plane now."The automatic system came over the intercom in the airport.

"Call me when you land."

"I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

After going through the process, I was let on the plane and was escorted to my seat in the back of the plane. I took the window seat and sent a wave to my mother. I'm going to miss her but here's to new beginnings. My new life starts as soon as this plane lands in Florida and I'm so ready for it.

The flight attendants went over all safety procedures and even played jazz music for the people that were scared. As asked, I dug through my settings and put my phone on airplane mode. I turned it off and put it between my legs. I watched the plane gather it's speed for takeoff and before I knew it, we were in the air. I watched the scenery under us change from vivid to blurry. All I could see was green and blue at this point. I fixed my head rest between my neck and shut my eyes to go to sleep.


A tap on my arm made my eyes pop open. "Sorry to bother you but we just landed and they're about to let us off."The old white man that was sitting beside me, said. "Thank you for waking me up."I smiled at him.

In no time, we were let off the plane.


I looked up from taking my phone off airplane mode to see my boyfriend. A huge smile crept onto my face as I ran to him. I jumped on him, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you so much!"I whispered.

"I missed you too girl. Do we need to go to baggage claim?"

"No. The only thing I put on the plane was my carry on and it's right here."I lifted the purse up from my shoulder to show him. "I had my stuff shipped here because I don't trust baggage claim."

"How was the flight?"He asked once we were back in the car.

"Quiet this time around. There were no babies on the plane this go round."I chuckled, thinking about all of the crying babies there were on the plane ride to Louisiana. A little while after, the moving van showed up and Jeremiah helped me unpack my belongings. I pressed the call button on my moms contact to call and let her know that I landed safely.

"I'm gonna look at some colleges tonight once we finish getting my stuff together."I told her. She continued to lecture me about doing well in school and to call her every week to inform her. We hung up after ten minutes of conversation because she had work in the morning and had to collect her rest.

Miah and I were up until one in the morning getting my clothes situated and my bathroom materials in. He had to move some of his stuff around to make room for me but he said he didn't mind it.

He ended up falling on the couch and into a slumber. Tired out from the day, I fell on top of him shortly after.

Do y'all think this move is going to work out? How do you feel about Cardi adopting Jessica?

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