I listened to Madre talk about the whole situation for an hour and a half. Basically, Jaden and I are related by my father. This situation really makes me wonder what other babies he has running around the south that I don't know about. I always thought that my parents had a wonderful relationship but I guess I was wrong.
They were so happy from what I've witnessed. I guess you never really know what happens behind closed doors. After hearing Madre tell my parents' love story, I realized that they went through a lot of turmoil in their relationship before they were able to get to their happy place that I've always seen.
I took out my phone and texted Alissa back. Her and I have been texting for a while now and we've met up a few times to hang out. I feel like I really vibe with this woman, as a friend. I'm not ready for another girlfriend just yet; I'm still trying to get over the whole Jordan incident.
"Miah!"The girls called from upstairs.
"What?"I yelled back.
"Come see my baby!"Jess screamed.
I got up from the couch and stretched.
"You wanna come see the baby?"I asked my new brother, Jaden. He shook his head. "I need time to process this for a while."He turned down my offer.
I shrugged it off and jogged up the stairs. Amber heard me coming and turned her little body to see who I was. When she saw me, her face lit up and she started reaching for me.
"Baby Amber!"I said with just as much excitement that was displayed on her face. She's still not old enough to talk yet, just a few months old.
"You missed me huh!"I took her from Jessica and bought her close to my chest. We got on the floor and started playing, me mostly blowing berries in her stomach and her laughing like it was the funniest thing ever.
That went on for a few minutes until she started to cry. "Take it, take it!"I handed her over to her mom.
"She's just hungry, she'll be fine."
"Aye don't be pulling your titty out in front me like that."I scrunched up my face.
"Boy I'm 'bout to feed my baby, get out."She laughed and threw a pillow at me.
"I'll go but I'll be back when Amber finishes."I left the room and jogged back down the stairs.
"Miah wait!"Jordan called from the backyard. I turned to face her, noticing her hair change.
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"Come here please. I need to talk to you."
"There is nothing to talk about."I refused.
"Please just come outside. Let's not make a scene at Madre's house, especially with your company over and the baby upstairs."
I walked through the open glass door and stood in front of her. "What now?"
"I'm tired of sleeping alone. I miss waking up to you. I miss everything about you. I don't wanna be just best friends, or whatever we are right now because I honestly don't know."She began to break down while I just stood there with a straight face. "I wanna be your girlfriend again. I swear to God I will never hurt you again. Please give me another chance. Please, like you don't understand how much I need you in my life. I'm going crazy because I don't have you by my side anymore."
She was on the ground begging me to take her back, crying her little eyes out.
"First, get your ass off the floor. And fix ya wig, allat shit you doing got it crooked."
She got up, sniffed and fixed the way her wig looked all while eyeing me. She had tears still flowing from her eyes. No matter what terms we were currently on, I hated seeing my best friend cry.
"Stop crying."
"Please take me back."
"Stop your crying first."
She sniffed some more. "Did you cut that girl off?"I asked. That's all I wanna know and that will determine whether I take her back or not.
"Yes, Miah I been stopped talking to her. Y-you can-can have my password to everything. You can look a-at my phone if you want."She took the phone from her back pocket and tired to give it to me but I didn't take it.
"I don't want to look through your phone. I want trust and somebody that ain't gonna cheat."
"I won't do that nomore. I swear, you can trust me from now on."
"You take me b-back?"
"I guess."
She hugged me so tight. Was this the right move for me? Does she really deserve to have me again?