Ambers cries flooded the house for the second time tonight making me roll over and out of the bed. I rubbed my eyes just as Jess got out of the bed.
"Go back to sleep. I got this."I whispered.
"You sure?"
I walked across the hall to get to the crib. "I'm here baby,"I whispered in a soft voice so her cries wouldn't get louder.
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She simmered down just a bit but still whining. I gently picked her up from the bed she lay in, placing her on my chest.
Mama taught us how to hold her without hurting her and how to rock her back asleep when she's fighting it.
"It's okay Amber, it's okay."I tried my best to comfort her. It quieted her down for ten minutes and her eyes were shut. I placed her back in the crib and tip toed out of the room. Soon as I got back to my bedroom, the crying started back.
"She might be hungry. Did you smell her diaper?"My mother spoke through the darkness, making me jump.
"I didn't smell anything, I don't think..."
I went to get her from the crib and bought her back to her mother.
"Mama said she might be hungry."I shook Jessica awake.
"I just fed her two hours ago."She mumbled.
"Mama said she need to eat again."I handed her over. I got back in my bed and got comfortable.
"So since I'm up now—what you doing over there?"She asked.
"Feed that baby and stop worrying about me."I turned the phone off and sat it back on the dresser. I shut my eyes and went back to sleep. I need those few minutes back for school tomorrow...
Jeremiah POV
"Nobody makes me horny like you do,"She whispered. We were both out of breath, finishing up from the first two rounds we had earlier.
I was just about to shut my eyes when my phone started ringing making me raise up and reach over to get it. "Bro" popped up on the screen along with the contact picture of us doing gang signs.
"Hello?"I put the phone to my ear.
"Who is it babe?"Jordan asked, starting to jack me off.
"When's the last time you heard from Dad?"Colten questioned with a worried tone. "Two days ago, why?"I sat up some more, moving Jordan's face from my dick.
"He got in a car wreck. My mom taking me to the hospital right now."
"Which hospital he at?"I got out of the bed and started looking for something to wear.
"Whose at the hospital?"Jordan got up.
"Go clean yourself up, we gotta go. Ima call you back Cole,"I hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed.
"Man, fuck!"I yelled out, aggravated.
"What's the matter Miah?"
"Go clean yourself up, I said. Right now!"I demanded. She did as told, closing the bathroom door behind herself.
I took a shower in the bathroom in the hall and pulled some jeans and a shirt on. I barely had my shoes on before we were out the door.
Darkness took over the sky due to the time being three in the morning. I was speeding, driving all over the road trying to get there. On the way there, I said multiple prayers. Lord knows my heart can't deal with any more deaths from people close to me. I tried to think positive thoughts but the worst outcome continued to cloud my vision.
I didn't bother going to the front desk, I went straight to the elevator and pressed the button repeatedly.
"You gonna break it."Jordan started.
"Ion give a damn."I snapped back.
As soon as the doors opened, I was off.
"Dad!"I called.
"The doctor just left but she told me about his condition."Colten stood up.
"What she said?"
"Due to him being old and having weaker bones, his legs could not take the impact of the window. They had to cut his legs off to save him. They viewed the car and came to the conclusion that him running into the tree made him fly forward, through the windshield."He informed me. "Didn't have a seatbelt on. When they found him, he was sleep and hasn't waken up since."he finished.
"That's all?"
"They stitched his body up and gave him antibiotics but they have to keep him here until he gets well."
Can't shit ever go right in my life, I thought to myself. First it was the cat, then it was Mama and now my dad is in critical condition. Damn, who's next...
Is Ken gonna die? What y'all think about Amber(the baby)?
On another note, I'm in the process of writing another book. It's a Nicki Minaj lesbian fanfic. Would y'all be interested in reading something like that?