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Jeremiah POV

I found myself pushing through mostly men-horny predators to be exact. I had to get to the front of the auditorium so I could pay attention for when they bring Jordan onto the stage. Coming here exposed me to a part of life that I didn't want to know of. Multiple women were half naked and looked scared as men-boys bought them onstage.

I hated the thought of having to bid for someone; it's not right. My parents definitely didn't raise me like this. I reminded myself that I was here to get Jordan. It was sickening how I noticed that it was mostly old men were paying for girls that were forced into this. I'm sure they know those women were requisited; maybe they just ignore the fact. I couldn't ignore it though.

"Bidding starts at twelve hundred for this lovely lady right here."A dark man emerged from the back, dragging Jordan along. "She's a feisty one."He chuckled as she made several attempts to get away from him.

"I'll take her."I spoke up.

The guy looked my way but I was looking at Jordan. I saw her eyes brighten up when we locked contact.

"Two thousand."Someone shouted from the back.

"Two thousand, can I get a three thousand? Three thousand here, there?"The auctioneer spoke up.

"Four thousand!"I spoke up ago.

"Givin' that guy a run for his money huh."The guy beside me chuckled.

"Four thousand, hows five thousand? Anybody?"

The building went quiet. "And sold to the guy in the green shirt. Make your way to the back and you can take that feisty bitch home."He said. I wanted to punch him for calling her a bitch but I had to keep my composure. I didn't need anybody getting suspicious.

Without taking my eyes off of her, I made my way to the back. There were multiple other men, ready to pay up for the women they bought.

"Run me my money nigga."The same dark skinned dude from stage, said, shoving Jordan my way. I pulled the envelope out of my jacket and counted the money. I threw the cash at him, stuffed the envelope back in my jacket pocket. "She's all yours."He smiled. I wanted to knock them yellow ass teeth out of his mouth. Did his mom not raise him right...

"You don't have to pull me like that."She whispered.

"Get your ass in the car, man."I slammed the passenger door once she was inside.

"Now you see why Ian want you fuckin' with nobody from 'round here?"

"Yes. Thanks for saving me."

"That's why I tell you to let me know where you're going and who you gonna be with. But you wanna be hardheaded, I shoulda knocked ya fuckin' head off."

"I get that your mad but you don't have to talk to me like that."

I huffed. She just doesn't get it.

Jordan POV

"I stood in the hot sun, hanging up pictures of you. Drove around, wasting gas, lookin' for your ass. Then had to fly out here, pay four thousand dollars to get you back. You and them people up in there got me fucked up."


"Fuck your sorry. Everyone was worried about you! Madre put up a post on Instagram and prolly got her whole damn fan base looking for you. I had multiple panic attacks tryna find you."

He's never cursed at me like this. In a joking manner, yes, but not serious. He was pissed off and it was all because I ignored his texts to hang with BJ.

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