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Haley POV

"You better be careful or she's going to take your place."Kaleigh warned. I rolled my eyes at her statement.

"I'm not worried about her taking my place."I waved it off. I honestly wasn't worried about Jordan; she's Jeremiah's best friend. That's it; that's all. I'm his girlfriend and I'll always be that.

"I still can't believe you crushed up that jalapeño and put it in her food."Kaden playfully hit Kaleigh's arm.

"What! I wanted to see if she was lying about being allergic."Kaleigh shrugged.

"Yeah, you wrong for that."Aleja pointed out.

"Who cares? Ion like the bitch. She's going to take Haley's place."

"She's not gonna take my place."I huffed. I'm tired of hearing Kaleigh say that.

"Keep acting like you don't care and she will. Stop being so nonchalant."

"I like her. She's laid back and seems chill. Is she coming to the pool party today?"

"I don't think so. Miah said he wasn't going to come either."

"Well of course, wherever he goes the brat has to tag along."Kaleigh rolled her eyes. "You're so mean."I chuckled.

"Jordan gives me bad vibes."Kaleigh stated. I changed the subject quickly, not wanting to talk about Jordan anymore.

Shivangi POV

"Did you do the homework last night?"The person beside me asked. I nodded.

"Can I see it?"

I opened my binder and got the homework out. I slid it over to her before directing my attention back to the board.

"Thank you."She slid the paper back over to me. Did she just say thank you, I asked myself. Any other time she would demand for me to hand over my homework, not ask for it. The teacher came around to collect the homework.

"Now that I've collected the homework, time for group projects. Yay!"She cheered with a smile but the class looked dead. History class is always dead and boring. She explained that we had to decide on a popular historic figure and make what they stood for, into 3D.

She began to split the glass into groups consisting of two people.

"Don't be me and Denala, please don't be me and Denala."I begged quietly with my fingers crossed.

"Denala and Shivangi."She said. I swear that teacher knew what she was doing.

"Man, fuck!"I muttered.

"So what historic figure do you want to use?"She asked me.

"We can do Harriet Tubman and the bus issue."I suggested.

"This is an after school project so you need to mix and mingle with your partners about how you're going to do the project."The bell rung, cutting her off.

"I do expect the project to be done by Monday morning. Therefor, I'm giving you the whole weekend to complete it. The rubric should be in your binders and remember: this is a joint grade."She yelled after us.

I went straight to the cafeteria so I could get my lunch before the lines got too long.

"Hey, can I sit here for a minute?"Denala stood above me and a group of my friends. I looked at them before sliding down the bench so she could sit beside me.

"How come you're being so nice all of a sudden?"I asked her after my friends dismissed themselves to go to the concession stand.

"I'm always nice."She smiled.

"No, you usually boss me around the classroom." How does she not remember bossing me around and giving me lip earlier this week...

"Let's talk about this project Ms.Burk assigned us."She changed the subject.

"Why didn't you get a lunch?"I questioned after biting into my burger.

"Oh, I'm not hungry."

"I think I need your number because we have to meet up this weekend."I pulled out my phone.

"We should meet up at your place."Denala blurted. "Why not your house?"I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"My house isn't quiet."

"And you figure mine is?"

She shrugged. We gave each other our phone numbers and agreed to work on the project at my house.

"I could catch the bus with you and tell my mom to come get me later tonight."

"That sounds good. You sure you weren't hungry?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

I finished my food and we parted ways just as the bell rang to go to next class.

Jordan POV

Hand in hand, Miah and I walked into the bash. He claimed that he didn't want me to get lost in the hotel but I knew the real reason. He didn't want a boy to approach me. However, I wasn't going to let him stop me from having fun.

He dapped up some of his friends and they were nice enough to greet me as well. I could feel someone staring at me so my first instincts were to look around. My eyes landed on Haley and her friends so I waved at them.

"I thought you said you weren't coming."Haley said to Miah.

"Jordan convinced me to come out."He replied. He got me a drink to sip on.

People were still entering and the pool was crowded. People were throwing around beach balls, floating around, dancing to the music, or eating some of the fruits that were being put out every few minutes. Aleja and I had our own discussion going on until I caught Kaleigh glaring at me. Me being me, I returned the glare which turned into us staring each other down. She eventually looked away and I mentally patted myself on the back. I never give up when I'm in the middle of a stare down.

"I'm gonna go get us some more fruits."Aleja told me and I nodded, letting her get out of the pool. "Havin' fun?"Miah asked me, watching me make waves in the pool. I nodded.

"Aren't you glad I dragged you out here?"I asked. "I'm not really a fan of the bacteria floating around this pool but it's aight."He responded. Haley came back over with a margarita in her hand, grinding on Miah.

"Y'all two should get a room."I faked a yuck face which made them both laugh.

"Are your feet tired, because you've been running through my mind ever since I laid eyes on you."Some guy said to me with a smirk on his face. "Aye!"Miah barked, literally pushing Haley off of him and pulling me close.

"She's mine potna."Miah lied. I rolled my eyes, not even in the mood to be at the pool party anymore. Miah ruined it and he also keeps ruining any chance of a boy talking to me.

"Oh aight, my b dude."The guy held his hands up in surrender then swam away.

"You're so stupid!"I punched the water in aggravation.

"Yeah Miah, let the girl have her fun."Kaden spoke up for me.

"Ion even wanna party nomore. I'm ready to go home."I got out of the pool and stomped through the hotel.

"Slow down girl,"Miah grabbed my arm but I jerked away and continued walking to the car. He unlocked the door for me and I snatched a towel from the backseat. I changed in the bathroom, then got in the car and slammed the door shut. I'm beyond pissed off with Jeremiah!

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