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Jordan POV

"You've been so down in the dumps since you've been back sweetie, what's the issue?"My mom asked, coming into my room.

"I'm not happy here, Mom. I'm sorry to say that."

"Don't be sorry, that's how you feel. So why do you feel such a way?"She sat down on my bed.

"I'm happy in Miami. I miss my boyfriend. Hell, I even miss the kittens Babushka just had. I just wanna be with him."

"You are with him."

"Physically. I mean, what if he finds another girl while I'm down here."

"He won't stray if he really likes you. And besides, y'all will always be best friends no matter what happens with your relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend."

"You're right but I still wanna be around him."

"I can't do anything about it baby. You'll just have to wait until summer rolls back around to see him face to face again."

"But he has his own apartment now."

"And what does that have to do with you?"

"I was wondering if I could live with him..."

"Oh hell no girl, you are not packing up and leaving Louisiana."

"Well why not Mom?"

"Because your life is here. Your friends are here. And we already worked out your stuff for college in Hammond."

"I can start a new life there and make new friends, at a new college. Mama please!"

"Are you serious!? You really want to leave me and go be with some boy?"

"He's not just some boy. He's Jeremiah Gaulden, he's been in our lives since kindergarten. I trust him."

"And you love him, I know. But what about me, your mother? You want to leave me?"

"So this is about me leaving you? I have a life I want to live! Life is about doing spontaneous things."

"You're the only person I have in my life Jordan."

"You can't make me push the pause button on my life because you're scared of being lonely!"I screamed, aggravated.

She looked away from me as tears filled her eyes. "I want you to live your life to the fullest but I don't want to be left behind."She confessed.

"You're not going to be left behind. I'd never do you like that. I love you Mama."I hugged her. She sighed.


"I can go?"

"Yes. You can go live with your boyfriend ONLY IF his parents say it's okay for you to move in with him."

"Thank you, thank you mama!"

"Don't do anything to change my mind about this. And you better do good at whatever new college you choose or I won't hesitate to make you come back."

Shivangi POV

"I hear shots comin' on low from hoes I'm higher than!"My mama shouted, walking into the kitchen.

"Shut up, I'm checking the voicemail."I told her. She gave me her infamous stank face and grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"The attention is so flatterin' 'cause they admirin'. Don't know what's on their mind but it should be retirement!"She screamed on her way out just to be petty.

I pressed the button when I saw we had mail from the center.

"I am calling to speak with Belcalis Almanzer about the adoption of Jessica Wilson. Please call me back at this number between three and five today or six am to seven pm tomorrow." The voicemail ended right there. I looked at the clock on the microwave, seeing that it was 4:50pm.

"Crap!"I mumbled. I snatched the house phone off the charger and ran into my parents room.

"Mom! Call the adoption center back! Hurry before five o'clock comes!"I demanded, handing her the phone.

She reluctantly took the phone and dialed the number. It rung two times before a lady picked up.

"I'm calling regarding the adoption of Jessica Wilson."My mom spoke into the phone. "Put it on speaker."I whispered. She did as told just as I went to get Jess from upstairs. We made it back into my parents room and sat on the bed, ready to hear the news.

"Ah let's see here. We pulled up some files on Jessica's biological parents and unfortunately, it says that her mother died two years ago of a heart attack. Her father died five years ago of a stroke. We also tried to get in contact with other family members such as aunties, uncles or grandparents but came up with no traces of them either."

"So how will we get her signed over?"Mother asked.

"The state she was born in will have to sign her over to you. I suggest coming down to the center tomorrow morning to get the papers worked out."

"Will do, see you tomorrow. Thank you."

They hung up. "I'm one step closer to owning you."My mothers eye twitched. I furrowed my eyebrows at her then exchanged looks with Jessica.

"You're weird."I mumbled, grabbing Jess's hand. "I'm joking."Mama laughed.

"Girl, let's go before she do something silly. You know her ass been drinking today."

Jess and I went back up to my room to finish our homework.

"How do you feel about that phone call?"I asked out of curiosity.

"I feel okay. I'm a little sad that I'll never get to meet my biological parents but I'll get over it."

"You will."

"It's just hitting me that my baby won't have grandparents either."

"Whatever space needs to be filled in his or her life, I'll fill it."

"I don't know what I did to deserve such a caring person like you."She leaned in to kiss me and I let her.

She pulled away from the kiss before it got deeper than it should've been...

"I might name her Amber, you know, if it's a girl. She could take my middle name."

"And if it's a boy you could name him Justin. His name could start with a J just like yours."

"That's smart. We're supposed to find out the gender tomorrow at my appointment so we'll see."

"Yeah, we'll see."

Thoughts on Jordan's mother letting her move to Florida? What y'all think Nicki and Ken gonna say about that?

Thoughts on Cardi adopting Jessica? What y'all think the gender of Jessica's baby will be?

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