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Denala POV

The whole ride back to Vangi's house was quiet; I faced the window the whole time. The news my brain consumed today would haunt me forever and even though Vangi said she'd help me, I still felt like strain on her life. She isn't obligated to help me but that's what makes her a good friend. I regretted being so mean to her in school because she didn't deserve it. She's such a nice person.

"Are you gonna tell your mom?"She asked. "I have to."I mumbled. I didn't have a choice. The many times that I tried to tell her that her boyfriend was raping me, she didn't listen. She's so consumed in work and it's not healthy. Not healthy for her or me and it's slowly diminishing our mother daughter relationship.

"Are you gonna come in with me?"I asked. "If you want me to."She replied.

Shivangi and I got out of the Cadillac and I led her up to the apartment I lived in. On the way up, I noticed my moms Honda Civic parked outside. She's here.

"Mom!"I screeched. I took a few deep breaths just as she came from her bedroom. "Hey sweetie, whose your friend?"She didn't even hug me hello.

"That doesn't matter right now. Sit down, I need to talk to you."

"Can you make this fast. You know I'm on a schedule."

I rolled my eyes. She's always rushing to do something.

"See, that's the problem mama. You always gon' somewhere."I pointed out.

"I go to work. My job pays the bills ya know."

"But your job doesn't buy my happiness. I'm not happy here."

"Well, why not?"

"Did you know your boyfriend be doin' stuff to me?"

She paused for a minute, breaking eye contact. I can't remember not one time did she look at me again, after that.

"Yes, I knew."

"And you let h-."My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

"I mean, I knew he was touching you but I didn't know he would go as far as the sex thing."

"What the hell..."Vangi muttered.

"So you let him do that to me? And you knew and didn't try to stop it?"

"I thought you'd be fine with it since you're growing up... plus I wasn't home so I told him he could."

"And now I'm pregnant!"

I didn't know mothers let their partners sexualize their daughters... I felt so disgusted right now. How could she betray me like that...

"Do you want the baby? I can give you money for an abortion."She responded as if that would fix the damage she's done. What I said next not only shocked me, but everyone else in the room.

"Whatever's going to grow inside of my body, I'm going to keep it for myself."

"Are you sure? You're only fifteen. And I don't have the money to take care of a new kid anyway so you have no choice."

"You didn't care about my age when YOU let YOUR boyfriend come into my room, drunk and tear up my clothes off my body."

"I don't know whose gonna help you take care of it because my salary keeps dropping."

"I have a family that doesn't have a problem helping her."Shivangi spoke up.

"Who are you?"My 'mother' asked her.

"Who are you to put your daughter in a predicament such as this?"She shot back.

"You have no place telling me what to do and not to do with my daughter."

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