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Madre in M/M
A few days later
Jordan POV

"Thanks for not pressing charges."He said, pulling me into a hug.

"I'd never do that to you baby."I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek and he let me. We got in his car and I let him drive us back. "My apologies for what I did."He continued.

"Dont even bring it up. I'm not mad at you."I hadn't seen or heard from him since he got put in jail for his actions and now that I have him back, I don't want the negativity seeping back in.

"I really love you."I stated.

"I love you too; I just think we're better off as friends."He told me.

"Nah, don't tell me that. Miah please don't tell me that."I pleaded.

"No Jordan, I'm serious. We were all good when we were best friends. But when we got together you started to keep secrets from me. Getting in a relationship was supposed to strengthen our bond, not weaken it."

I was speechless. I never thought this day would come and knock me off my feet.


"In the future, if we ever do get back together, we have to tear down everything we built and rebuild it with different material. The material we already got is broken down and useless. We gotta go our separate ways relationship wise, for now."

"For now."I rolled my eyes and turned away from Jeremiah. He bought me food then dropped me off to school.

Jeremiah POV

I regret doing what I did to Jordan but I can't take it back. I have to live with it for the rest of my life and to add to it, now the whole world knows our business.

I sighed to myself and pulled up my chair to my desk Jordan helped me set up with my YouTube equipment.

I logged into my YouTube account and the first thing I noticed was my subscriber count. It had dropped by two thousand followers because of what I did. On Instagram, I had started receiving disgraceful comments.

"Damn,"I mumbled. I had to address this shit quick. I set up my camera and made a quick video addressing everything starting with my moms death up until now. The video was almost an hour long and I barely edited it. My real fans deserved the full truth so that's what I gave them.

I uploaded the video to my channel then left the computer alone.

"Miah!"I heard my brother yell over the music I had blaring through the condo. "What nigga!?"I looked up after turning the music down. I noticed a girl standing right beside him.

"This is my friend Paige."He introduced me to one of his lil friends. I nodded at her and she shyly smiled back. "We goin' do homework."He said, taking her to his room. I shook my head, knowing that's a lie.

"Don't do no fuck shit back there!"I yelled, just to embarrass him.

A knock on the front door made me shut the fridge in annoyance. I was sick of not having cooked food to eat like I used to and I don't really feel like dealing with anybody right now.

"Get away from the door!"I said. I'm not expecting anybody to come over so no one should be knocking on my damn door. The person knocked again. I huffed to myself and yanked the door opened.

"Fuck you want!?"I answered. A guy appeared before me.

"Jeremiah."He started, staring at me. I stared back. "And who the hell are you?"I asked.

"I'm your brother."He stated, making me go silent. A few moments went by...

"Are you pranking me?"I looked past him to see if I saw a camera somewhere.

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