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Jordan POV

"You didn't tell me you bought the cats over."I gasped seeing Babushka walk into our bedroom with her kittens following in tow. I picked Dayna up and gave her my finger to play with. I haven't seen them since the last time I went to Miah's parents' house so I know they missed me.

"I went to get them last night when I learned that they were home alone."

"Hey um when's the last time you checked your YouTube channel?"I questioned. I haven't heard him talk about the channel since we uploaded his first vlog three days ago.

"The last time I checked it, I had thirty thumbs up on the video."

"Any subscribers?"


"You should check it again."

"Lemme go do it before we leave."

I tied my shoes up and followed him past the kitchen. I helped him set up a little desk area in the corner of the living room to place his equipment on so it won't be scattered all over the house. He logged into YouTube and went to the video.



"I got a hundred thumbs up on the video!"He was excited.

"That's amazing baby,"We shared a hug.

"Looks like you got thirty five new subscribers too."I pointed out.

"Ayo this really a miracle."He said with that creepy smile on his face.

His smile faded quickly causing me to become concerned. "What's wrong?"I asked.

"Twenty people thumbsed it down."

"It's okay. Your haters are your biggest motivators. You can't make them come along for the ride but you can damn sure make them wish they did."

"You right. You always know what to say."

Miah took me to get my nails done then we went for a road trip.

"You know, sometimes I feel like a dog."I laughed at my statement, making him laugh right along with me.

"Why is that?"

"I love road trips."

"What you like about them?"

"I love the scenery and exploring new places. Road trips are peaceful because I can forget about any and everything and just ride. Just cruise."

I logged into my Snapchat and took a video of myself vibing to the music then sent it to Miah's phone. I posted it to his snapchat and mentioned myself to get people to add me.

"Dang, your girlfriend fine!"I exclaimed.

"I know."He smiled to himself.

We made our way back to the house just in time for lunch. Jeremiah got the camera and we vlogged the whole process of making the tacos.

When his brother walked in on us while recording, Miah introduced him to the channel and to our subscribers.

"Thank you to the hundred people that liked my last video and the fifty new subscribers. I really appreciate it."Miah started walking to the back to finish his outro. I fixed his plate of three tacos and put sour cream on them just like he wanted. I opened his can of sprite for him but drunk a little. He shouldn't notice though.

"How much you want?"I asked Colten.

"Six. I haven't eaten since this morning."

"Damn boy, acting like we starved you."I gave him six tacos and took the last four for myself. I poured hot sauce all through my tacos. "I really want some jalapeños on these."I whined.

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