"Finally you show up."I laughed and licked my lips at the sight of her fine ass.
"Boy hush, I had to take care of some business."She walked in and I couldn't help but to watch that booty jiggle as she went over to my couch. I sat down by Alissa and let her choose what we were going to watch.
I didn't have to worry about my brothers or Jordan tonight. Jaden took Colten's room and Colten took my room. Alissa and I will be chilling the whole night so we don't need a room. On the other hand, Jordan and I are not necessarily together. We are working to get back where we were but she's going to have to work extra hard for the girlfriend title. I'm going to test her a lot just to see if she's serious about wanting me back.
"I really thought you wasn't gon' come."
"I wouldn't stand a guy like you up."
"A guy like me?"
"Yeah. I only stand up ugly guys."
"So you calling me cute."
"You working with something."She laughed.
"So are you."I returned the compliment.
We were in the middle of a movie and eating hella snacks. I can't lie and say this exact event doesn't remind me of Jordan, because it does. We would always curl up on the couch and chill together. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and focused on Alissa.
"Oh my god!"She screamed just as I felt something chunky and wet land on my shirt. "I am so sorry Jeremiah."her eyes widened at the mess she made.
"It's aight."I raised up to take my shirt off. "I got it."She slid the shirt over my head and tossed it to the side. I dunked the water over her head, wetting up her shirt and hair.
"Now we even."I smirked. She gasped. "You bastard!"She screamed. I watched her take off the night shirt, exposing her chest. Damn, I thought. Ian never seen titties that big.
She got back comfortable beside me. While she was getting back into the movie, I was thinking about fucking her.
If her titties that big and her ass keep trying to bust out them tights, I'm tryna see what it really look like.
"Take this off."I whispered in her ear, tapping her leggings.
"Oh I don't know about that."She replied. Come on, don't get all shy on me, I thought. "Come on,"I responded. I haven't had any sex in weeks and I know she wants me so there's no need to wait.
"I don't usually do this on the first night..."She stood up. Yeah yeah, skip the chit chat and just get naked.
I watched her step out of the leggings, revealing the rest of her body. Her underwear and bra matched which turned me on more.
"That's good?"
Jordan POV
"I feel like I should go over there."I said into the phone.
"No, don't."Jess rebuttaled. Her and I were on FaceTime just talking about any and everything under the sun.
"Why not?"
"Because you need to calm your nerves. You gonna push him away if you go over there tonight. Wait 'til morning."
"Ion wanna wait."I mumbled just as the baby started to cry. Amber is seven months now and she's gotten pretty big.
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"I gotta go tend to her, I'll call you back."
We hung up the call and I sighed to myself. I went against what Jessica said because my ultimate decision was to go see Jeremiah. So that's what I'm going do. It's only one in the morning so I know he's still up. I got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top then left my dorm room.
I found my car in the parking lot, started it then took off towards the condominium Miah stays in. I still have a key to the apartment so I can walk in whenever. However, I did text him to let him know I was stopping by.
I even stopped to pick up food from his favorite restaurant: Zaxby's. I made it to the complex and got on the elevator.
I pressed the button to go up then got on. No one was really out and about to roam the halls so it startled me to see a lady waiting for the elevator so she could get on. She looked a little heavy on the bleaching but had a huge smile on her face.
"Hey baby,"I stood on my top toes to kiss him. "I bought you something."I handed him the bag.
I inhaled, smelling a weird smell. "The hell is that smell?"I asked.
"Smell like somebody was knocking boots."Jaden, Miah's brother, chuckled.
My eyebrows furrowed as I sat my purse down on the counter.
"You had some bitch up in here?"I asked him.
"My time to go."Colten muttered as he and Jaden went to the back, to their rooms.
I took off my shoes, ready to chuck one at Miah's head.
"Did you have some bitch up in here?"I asked again.
"Yeah. I did!"He answered.
"And you fucked her?"I threw the shoe at his head, picking up my other one to throw as well. He ducked and tried to grab at me.
"Yeah, we fucked."He added.
"You better had used protection or ima beat your ass!"I threatened, chasing him around the apartment. Our relationship can't take anymore breakage. Why would he do such a thing?