"Pass that Mary J nigga,"I heard Colten say just as I put the blunt to my lips. I inhaled then exhaled and looked up at him.
"You too young to be smoking lil man."I stated. "I'm sixteen. I think I'm old enough."He remarked.
"Fine. Hit that shit."I handed it over and watched him. I was already high as a kite so I didn't need to smoke anymore.
He hesitantly did it but started coughing. "See. You're too young."I tried to take it from him but he kept doing it, soon getting the hang of it.
He finished the blunt off and turned to me. "A customer called about the house."He stated after a while.
"What about it?"
"They wanna view it in three hours."
"Shit!"I jumped up. "Why you ain't been say something!"
"You been locked away in your room for days now."
He followed me from the balcony and slid the glass door back to the wall.
"Get out so I can get dressed."
"Don't have to tell me twice. Nobody wanna see your bird chest."
"I'll show you a bird chest."I yelled after him, hearing him laugh. The smell of weed was embedded in my house wear, I took it off and tossed it to the side for now. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
I put on a white t-shirt that read "Scarface", white joggers and my white sneaks. I sprayed Tom Ford cologne all over my body; it was a gift from my parents for my seventh birthday.
"Can we stop and get some food before we go over there?"Colten asked after I locked the front door. "Yeah."We traveled to the elevator, down to the parking garage and to my car.
Seventeen minutes later we arrived at Red Lobster. "What you gettin' lil man?"
"Shrimp Alfredo and popcorn chicken."
"Ima just get some cheese-sticks."
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While we were waiting for our food a group of girls walked up to our table. I eyed Cole just as he he eyed me back.
"You're NBA Youngboys' sons!"One exclaimed. Ugh! I hate being referred to as a rappers son. I'm just the offspring of a regular person that just so happened to be famous for making music.
"He's also a famous YouTuber."Another one added.
"Yup."I replied dryly.
"Can we have your autographs?"
"We don't do that stuff. We ain't Hollywood."
"We'll can we at least get a picture?"
"How about I just give y'all my Snapchat and y'all can get the fuck out my face?"