"I sold another painting!"I yelled into the phone in pure excitement just as the FaceTime connected.
His smile made me feel warm inside. "How much you made?"
"Two hundred."
"You know I really think you should raise the prices of your paintings. You could be making so much more."
"I'll think about it. Did you pick up the keys to your new apartment?"
"Going over there to pick it up now."
"Ask your parents if I could come live with you."
"Your mom told you you could do that?"
"She agreed after a heart felt conversation but I don't want to start packing until I get the okay from your parents."I stated. We ended the phone call after three hours of conversing about just about anything that came to mind. However, he had to go when his dad called him so we hung up.
Asia Majors "All About Me" played from my phone as I packed up every single belonging in my room.
"It's crazy how you give your all to some one just to try something different."I sung, placing the cap on my deodorant and tossing it into my suitcase. I locked the top of my lotion so it wouldn't spill over. "Before you came, yeah, it was all about me."
In the middle of dancing around the room, I stopped to take a few selfies of my glowing skin. "Got your heart to a gun while your love is so reckless. Grab your shit and hit the door! Oh yes I'm finally free from this nightmare you call a dream."
I posted the video to my new Instagram account and turned my phone screen back off. Continuing to sing, I moved into the bathroom and began carelessly tossing my shit into a box nearby. When I was done, my soaps, skin care stuff, hair supplies, jewelry and make up kits were in the box. I closed the box and taped it shut, labeling it.
With care, I placed all of my paintings and pictures into a different box. "Ugh, it's hot in here!"I complained, fanning myself to keep cool. I climbed on the bed and stood to turn my fan on high. Taking a break from dancing, I let the air circulate the bedroom. A call from Aleja shocked me considering we haven't talked since I left Florida two days ago. I hesitantly answered and propped the phone up on my dresser to finish packing.
"Hey stranger!"She smiled. "What's up?"I greeted.
"Clearly you because you keep bouncing around. What you doing?"
"Packing my stuff."I sighed, running my hands through my hair.
"For what?"
"I'm coming back to Florida."
"You didn't even tell me you left. What the fuck Jordan!"She rolled her eyes.
"My bad. I guess it slipped my mind. But I'm moving there."
"Why?"Her mood went from playful to concerned. "Because,"I said, not wanting to tell her my reasons. It's not her business why I'm moving down there...
"Did you change your hair?"
"Yeah, I took the sew in out. I told you I went natural a few days before I put the weave in."
"It's coming in nicely. That's pretty."I began to screenshot her. "Smile for a quick one."I ordered. She smiled and I snapped the screenshot.
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"Thank you. Are you gonna come visit me when you come back?"
"Of course. You're my only friend so far."I chuckled.
"Friend?"Her voice changed so quick.
"Yeah. What's wrong with that title?"
"Did you forget what we did when you slept at my house?"
"We just kissed a lot. That's all. I told you I have a boyfriend."
"So that's what this move is about? You're moving so you can be with Jeremiah."
"Yes. He is my boyfriend."I repeated.
"Our kisses meant nothing to you!"I could sense the anger rising in her voice.
"Nope. They didn't. I'm with Miah. And I'm happy with him. And you have to accept that. Simple!"
"Fuck you!"She spat, hanging up the phone. I shook my head and went to text her.
Me: you wanna fuck huh🤨
👑Leja💋: leave me alone
Me:don't be like that😩
👑Leja💋: go away
I left her on read since that's what she wanted. I mean, am I wrong for being happy in a relationship with my best friend? I don't think so. I love being with Jeremiah and no one can change that.
Yes, I know she has some type of feelings for me but she's just going to have to get over it. My love life will not be put on pause for it or for anyone else.
I figured I'd just let her be mad at me for the next few days. I'll fix it when I leave Louisiana but until then, let me finish putting these boxes on the back of the moving van...