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"Babe, hurry up!" Kongpob shouted as he picked up his keys and phone from the kitchen counter and checked his Armani suit for his wallet. When he felt a familiar shape in his jacket pocket he knew that he was ready to go. At the same time Arthit came rushing down the stairs of the penthouse they lived in.

After university, Kongpob went straight to his father's company to work and after a lot of convincing, he managed to get Arthit to work as his PA. A few months after, they took the next step and Arthit moved in with Kongpob. Of course it took some time for Arthit to adjust to the high society life but it was a fairly smooth transition for him. They also kept in touch with their university friends and treated them to dinner at a roadside shop often. They were still very humble even though they earned millions of dollars monthly.

Kongpob and Arthit were supposed to attend a charity event that a business partner of theirs was holding and of course, Arthit was running late, again. Kongpob was still fazed at how Arthit managed to be an excellent PA but couldn't get himself ready in time for an event.

"Okay, I'm ready to go," Arthit wheezed out as he ran pass Kongpob and out the door. Kongpob just chuckled and turned the lights off, going after his lover.

Over the years, Kongpob matured a lot but still kept his charming and slightly mischievous demeanour. However, Arthit seemed to have gotten more forgetful and whiny, but that was just towards Kongpob. In front of others, Arthit was a fine young man, one who was very competent. If only they knew.

Kongpob met Arthit in the elevator and swiftly pressed the button for the ground floor. In the elevator, Arthit was trying to cool himself down. He was embarrassed that he had almost caused them to be late. Kongpob saw the embarrassed look on his boyfriend's face and wanted to tease him. Kongpob leaned forward and placed a brief kiss on Arthit's mouth. The older man's face burned up. Kongpob simply smiled proudly, happy that he still had that effect on his lover even after 4 years.


The couple stepped out of the elevator, walked through the main lobby and out into the parking lot.

Kongpob opened his Audi R8 and they got in.

Kongpob opened his Audi R8 and they got in

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~~~~~~~At the venue~~~~~~~

  Business mode...1...2...3. "Arthit," Kongpob called out as he fixed his suit, buttoning up, "give me the names of every person on the guest list and which company they are from." They exited the car and Arthit trailed behind Kongpob, pulling out his mac book to get the list. Everything he needed for work was in the electronic device. If he lost it, he would die.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tuthilack from Frome Enterprise, Mr. Rotnapit from QRS Association.........." and so it went on. Arthit gave Kongpob the names of every guest on the list, the VVIP at the top of the list.

They walked exceptionally slowly so Kongpob could here the list. Kongpob memorized what Arthit said so he could be prepared to have a conversation. After all, their company was very famous. He liked to make a good impression to attract future business partners.

Soon Arthit was finished listing the names and they climbed the stairs. At the top they were greeted by two guards who asked for their names."Kongpob-" Arthit didn't even get a chance to finish speaking when the guards simply opened the large doors.

As they walked by, Kongpob stopped and whispered coldly to one of the guards,"Next time allow my PA to finish speaking," and followed Arthit inside. The guard was frightened. He could only nod his head quickly and mumble a timid 'Yes Sir'.

The interior of the building was decorated elegantly.

The interior of the building was decorated elegantly

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\\I'm sorry, I'm not good at descriptive writing. Anyway I hope that you're enjoying that story. Please remember to vote and comment. Bye!//

The venue was filled with people dressed in elegant dresses and well fitted suits, all expensive brands. Waiters and waitresses bustled around carrying trays of beverages or cuisines that cost a fortune. Little chatters flew throughout the atmosphere, not a soul daring to speak over a certain volume in fear of not being "proper."

Kongpob stopped and looked around seemingly looking for someone. Arthit waited patiently, confusion masking his face.

Kongpob's eyes lit up as he found his target. Arthit followed Kongpob's line of sight and saw a very handsome man.

The stranger was extremely tall and muscular, his biceps bulging through his suit.

Arthit frowned. Who is this man?

This is the end of the chapter. What did you think? This is my first official book. Please give it lots of love. Bye!

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