Something's Fishy

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2 weeks later

Arthit and Kongpob had made up and have gone back to making googly eyes at each other during work. Plus, the company's profits went up by fifteen percent. However, Arthit felt that something wasn't right. Every time he entered Kongpob's office, Kongpob would either be rushing to put something away from hastily hanging up a phone call.

At first Arthit didn't think anything of it as Kongpob never had a guilty look. He just thought it was 'mere coincidence' that he walked in at that time but then he started getting suspicious when once he was outside of Kongpob's office and heard him say,"I don't know what to tell him...anyway I think he's here, bye."

Arthit decided to investigate.

~~Arthit's POV~~
I was lying in bed with Kongpob sleeping soundly next to me. What is he hiding? Is he cheating? No............Is he going to break up with me? I admit that I was thinking the worst but who wouldn't. My lover was hiding something from me. I asked him about it twice before but each time he would avoid the question by teasing me. Obviously, he new that I would forget the question and he was darn right.

I went to sleep that day conjuring a plan to find out what Kongpob was hiding from me.

Operation 'KongoSearch' commence!
~~Arthit's POV~~
I decided to get Knot's help with this matter as I knew he was very close to Kongpob. How did I get his number? Simple. I took it from Kongpob's phone while he was in the shower. No harm done. So here I am in a restaurant with Knot during my lunch break. Kongpob was in a meeting with a business partner. He wouldn't be out for more than an hour.

"Look Arthit, as much as I like talking to you we both know you want something," Knot said. "What is it?"

"I think Kongpob is hiding something from me. I want you to help me find out what it is," I confessed.

Knot smirked. He looked like he knew something that I didn't. My eyes narrowed at him as if saying, 'You know something don't you.' We sat there quietly for a few minutes before Knot leaned forward in his seat and sincerely said, "Arthit, I want to help you but I promised Kongpob that I wouldn't say anything." I knew I had lost. 'Agghh......' I internally groaned.

Knot smiled at me and got up to leave. I allowed him to. He wasn't going to tell me, that's for sure. Sigh.

I was surprised though went stopped beside me and whispered, "Don't worry, it's something really good." I turned to ask him more but he was already walking out the door.

Well.......something's very fishy. Or is it that just my food?

\\Hello readers! You are now at the end of the chapter. What is Kongpob hiding? Read the upcoming chapters to find out! Bye!!//

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