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I listened to Ann Marie-2002 while writing this. Not related to the chapter but still an awesome song!

Arthit immediately frowned. 'What was this man's relationship with Kongpob?' he thought. Meanwhile, Kongpob was having a jolly time and totally seemed to forget Arthit's presence. Arthit tried hard to remain professional but he snapped when he saw the unknown man put his arm around Kongpob's shoulder and whisper something in his ear. Kongpob smiled.

Arthit cleared his throat to get the attention of the other two parties. They finally acknowledged him. "Oh, Arthit, this is P'Knot, my cousin," Kongpob introduced the man to Arthit. Arthit went red. For two reasons actually. First, he was embarrassed that he actually got jealous of Kongpob's cousin and second was that he distinctly saw P'Knot's eyes roam over his body, twice.

It was now Kongpob's turn to become jealous.

~~~Kongpob's POV~~~
The guard didn't allow my sun to speak? How dare he. I know I scared him and I do not regret it. I should of got him fired but I know why he cut Arthit off. Just my first name could bring someone to their knees but he should of been respectful and listened.

After we entered, my eyes searched for a familiar person. When I saw them I got excited. My pansexual cousin P'Knot! He was like a brother to me and I haven't seen him in over a year. He went abroad to study and just came back. We had a lot of catching up to do.

We were talking and he put his arm around me and whispered to my ear, "Your boyfriend wants attention." I smiled at that. 'Oh My Sun, you still haven't matured' I thought. Arthit cleared his throat and I decided to introduce my lover to my closest relative.

"Oh, Arthit, this is P'Knot, my cousin," I said. I could see Arthit turn red. It was adorable. I noticed something though and I think Arthit did too. P'Knot was eyeing Arthit's body in a suggestive manner. I frowned and smacked him upside the head.

He immediately exclaimed from pain and a few heads turned to us with a glare or disapproving look. Once they saw me they either gave a curt nod or a shy smile but they still mined their own business. "Don't look at him like that," I said to P'Knot with a stern voice that only us three could hear. P'Knot quickly put his hands up in defence.

I took hold of the small of Arthit's back and guided him away to speak with other associates leaving P'Knot with a surprised look on his face. When I cooled down I would talk to him but now I had better things to do with people who wouldn't look at Arthit's body sexually.

What Kongpob didn't see though was the smug look and sly smirk on P'Knot's face when they walked away. 'Kongpob never changes does he?' Knot thought. 'Still jealous and possessive over his things.'

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