So Much for Celebrating

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It was the day after the proposal and the couples' friends had decided to take them out for lunch.

Everyone had already arrived before Kongpob and Arthit. Upon arrival, the pair noticed that the restaurant was occupied on one side but vacant the other, which was where they were sitting. Knot told them that he rented half the restaurant for their get together. Everyone else seemed cool with it except Mr. Sun who had a 'you're kidding me right?' expression on his face.

"You rented half a restaurant just for us to meet," Arthit stated more like a statement rather than a question.

"Of course, there are like twenty of us, how else would all of us fit?" Knot replied. Arthit understood his reason and thus stopped making a fuss.

Kongpob and Arthit greeted everyone and received congratulatory wishes, all the while Arthit was burning up remembering the night before.......

~~Arthit POV~~ Flashback
I was extremely happy when Knot said that he would tell me everything. He said that he would pick me up so we could talk. Of course, Kongpob had no idea. Speaking of Kongpob, where was he? I saw him this morning and at the office but after lunch he disappeared. I'll find out what you're hiding.

Knot picked me up at the office. I got into his car, curious as to why we couldn't just go to the cafe nearby.

"Where are we going?" I asked Knot. He gave me a quick glance and kept driving.

"You'll know when we get there," Knot replied. I didn't waste my time or energy trying to get Knot to tell me where we were going. After all, Knot was a man of his word.

**1hr and 30mins later**
"Come on Knot! Tell me where we're going!" I exclaimed. Knot smirked in reply. It has been almost two hours since we left the office and all I see are trees and dirt roads. The time is getting later and I still don't know what Kongpob is hiding!

About thirty minutes have gone by are I start to smell the faint smell of......salt water?! I kept quiet though. Be patient Arthit, be patient, I told myself.

It was not long before Knot drove off the road, down a dirt path and stopped at a sign. It said Peraya  Beach.

Seriously? A beach? I thought. Knot got out of the car and I quietly followed him. I saw other cars parked around the place. The smell of the sea became stronger. It hit me so hard I felt nauseous but I kept walking. A little off in the distance I saw lights but I assumed it was just a bonfire.

I was surprised when Knot was walking towards the light. No, he wouldn't I thought. What if he was bringing me away from civilization to kill me? "Come on Knot! Tell me why we're here. Are you planning on killing me? You wouldn't dare! Kongpob would come to save me......" I rambled on.

However, that was cut short when I saw Kongpob standing under a tent with all of our family and friends. I froze. My mom and dad were looking on with loving gazes. Is someone dying?!

Kongpob left the tent and walked towards us. He smiled at Knot and Knot gave him a curt nod in reply. I was so dumbfounded that I didn't react when Kongpob took my hand and led me under the tent. "What is going on Kongpob?" Why don't I know anything?! Kongpob simply smiled and took me to the center.

I started to get shy, everyone was looking at us. Suddenly, Kongpob knelt on one knee and took my right hand in his. No....No.... This is not what I think it is.....Please let it be what I think it is. My eyes teared up. My heart rate sped up as I immediately felt warm all over. The look in Kongpob's eyes while he watched me from below was obvious. Love. His eyes, no our eyes held love. This was it.

"Arthit Rojnapat, my sun, my lover, my best friend, my soulmate. I love you and I would like to express my desire to spend the rest of my life tied to you. Arthit, will you marry me?" Kongpob said. He said it with so much confidence as if he knew I wouldn't reject. Of course not! My friends and family would castrate me if I did that. I wasn't the only one who loved him.

The tears started falling and I smiled widely. I was ready for the next step.

"I love you Kongpob, I love you so much and I would love to spend the rest of my life as yours. Yes, I will marry you."

Kongpob slid the moon themed ring onto my finger, it was so beautiful. He was so beautiful. He was my moon. I then slid the sun themed ring onto his finger. It fit perfectly and I could stare at it forever but I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled Kongpob in and kissed him passionately.

~~End of Flashback~~
"Eh em.....Earth to Arthit," Kongpob said to fiancè. Arthit immediately stopped daydreaming and looked around him. Everyone was looking at him with a concerned expression. Arthit quickly turned red because of the amount of attention. Bright smirked, finally realizing what his friend was thinking about.

"Arthit, were you thinking about yesterday? You did kiss Kongpob very passionately," Bright snickered. Everyone else slowly processed what Bright had said and when they understood, they either laughed or smirked.

And so........poor Arthit got teased until he was so hot and red that Kongpob was worried that he would get sick. Haha......So much for celebrating! 

\\Hello readers! This is the end of the chapter....what did you think? Poor Arthit but we all know how Arthit's friends are........especially Bright. Hehe. Bye!!//

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