Missing Vows

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Arthit ran around the venue anxiously looking for something. He was sweating profusely and looked like the world was about to end. Knot noticed this and went over to Arthit to find out the problem.

"Hey, Arthit, what's wrong?" Knot asked. Arthit froze in his squatting position like a deer caught in head lights. He slowly rose from his place and smiled sheepishly. Knot immediately knew he was guilty of something.

"Arthit, what did you?" Knot inquired. "Spill it."

Arthit spent a few seconds standing quietly and Knot didn't hurry him to answer. He was in no rush.

"I lost my vows....I had them when I came here though....you have to help me Knot," Arthit finally said, his voice cracking midway. He sounded like he was on the verge of crying, though there were no visible tears.

"What do you mean you lost your vows? Didn't you memorize them?" Knot was confused. How does one lose their vows? he thought.

"Are you going to help me or are you going to scold me? Tell me quickly so I don't waste my time!" Arthit half shouted. He was getting angry at himself and he didn't want anyone else to know about him losing his vows. What if Kong found out?......he would be so disappointed!

"Fine...calm down. I'll help you....let's retrace your steps."

Arthit let out a sigh of relief.

Knot and Arthit had spent fifteen minutes searching for the lost piece of paper but found nothing. By this time, guests had started arriving and as they passed the two men, they gave them weird looks. Why? The pair was turning the place upside down like mad men.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind causing both Knot and Arthit to freeze in their place. Arthit grimaced. They had been caught.

"P', are you looking for something? Do you need help?" Kongpob appeared with his hands behind him.

Knot was waiting for Arthit to say something but Arthit just stood there looking at the floor. He was trying to come up with an excuse but was failing miserably.

After a few minutes of silence, Kongpob spoke again. "P' I think I know what you're looking for," Kongpob said then laughed?

Arthit's head shot up to find Kongpob looking at him amused. Slowly, Kongpob removed his hands from behind him, one of them holding a piece of paper. Arthit's face immediately scrunched up in anger. Steam could practically be seen coming out of his ears. Knot had already left, he did not need to be there when Arthit exploded.


Kongpob immediately took off, an angry pink milk monster chasing him.



Arthit chased Kongpob around the wedding hall, almost knocking over the cake. That seemed to fuel his rage as he became redder, if that was even possible.

The guests couldn't help but laugh at the couple and be concerned for Kongpob at the same time.

At the end of the chase, Arthit ended up in Kongpob's arms as they shared a passionate kiss. Oh well.... No harm done?

\\This is the end of the chapter. The next one will be coming later today. Thank you reading , commenting and voting//

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