Special Chapter: Part Four

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Arthit's POV
I was currently running down the street on my way to the bar that Kongpob was at, hopefully. I was about two minutes away when I saw a grandma fall across the street, all her groceries dropping with her. I came to an abrupt stop and went over to help her.

"Grandma, are you okay?" I said as I helped her stand. I picked up all the three grocery bags from the concrete and handed them to her when she was steadied on her feet. She smiled gratefully.

"Thank you dear, so kind and helpful, so parents raised you well."

I nodded and smile then turned away to go but I was stopped when she called out.

"Excuse me young man, what is your name?"

"My name is Arthit, grandma. I have to get going though. I'm in a rush."

"Okay Arthit, thank you again dear, I will always remember your kindness."

"You're welcome grandma. Get home safely. Goodbye." With that statement I was off sprinting once again. I faintly heard the grandma laugh.

Though Arthit didn't hear when she said, "My Kongpob is so lucky. Arthit is a sweetheart," and walked further down the street to be met by a driver who welcomed her by saying, "Greetings Madam, where to next?"

Third Person POV
Arthit entered the pub, frantically searching for the man called Kongpob. Suddenly a hand wrapped around his waist and someone whispered into his ears.

"I'm Krystal, are you looking for me?" she asked with a low sultry voice. Arthit was fazed in the least as he quickly asked.

"Do you know anyone named Kongpob? He is slim, tan and very handsome." Krystal immediately deflated and took her hands from the latter's body.

Krystal pointed towards the bar and blankly said, "He's over there."

Arthit quickly said his 'thanks' and walked off to the bar without sparing Krystal a second glance.

Krystal watched Arthit's back as he walked to the bar. She couldn't help but murmur, "Business is running slow tonight. I'm going home to eat ice cream," and call it a night. After all, she preferred staying at home with her cat than have old men grope her.

Arthit's POV
I arrived at the bar and finally spotted Kongpob. It hurt my heart to see him like that surrounded by shots of alcohol. I'm a horrible boyfriend.

Kongpob was getting up when suddenly the bartender held his hand and smiled. I frowned, the green monster inside of me growing. Who is he and why is he touching my Kongpob? I didn't what the bartender was saying but as soon as Kongpob started speaking, I wished to make my presence known.

"Kongpob?" I called out.

Kongpob quickly turned his head to with a surprised look. I guess he didn't think that I would go looking for him. My gaze fell to his hand that was still in the grip of the bartender's. Kongpob seemed to catch on to my gaze and immediately took his hands away and put them to his side. The bartender gave him a quizzical look. Did you think he would want to hold on to your hand? Bitch, no.

"P'Arthit, what are you doing here?" he asked calmly. I knew he was only pretending as he couldn't meet my eyes. Why did I hurt him?

"I need to talk to you privately," I said and glanced at the bartender who was looking directly at me, silently challenging me. What's his problem?

When Kongpob hesitated to come with me I hissed and took his hand in mine. I felt him shiver.

"Kongpob, please, let me make this right," I pleaded and gently tugged his hand. I didn't care if that guy was watching, he could go to hell.

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