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Arthit's POV
"Kongpob, I'm back!" I called out as I closed the door to our hotel room. I had gone out about fifteen minutes before to get a snack. I checked my watch for the time while I took off my shoes and put down my key. Hmm, it's 6pm, not that late.

"Kongpob, are you in the bathroom?" I called out to him again but was met with silence. That's strange, he didn't tell me he was going anywhere...

I decided to call him but it went straight to voicemail. After calling three more times, I was met with the same result. Pick up Kong. At that point I started to get a little worried. Even more so when I heard the crack of thunder, signalling a sudden downpour of rain. I tried to settle my racing heart by taking deep breaths. It's nothing Arthit...you're overreacting...he's just out. Yeah,out. I repeated that in my head repeatedly trying to convince myself but I knew that wasn't working.

I walked towards the window and watched as the heavy droplets landed on the window pane. The evening looked so dark and gloomy, so alone and scared. Just like how I was feeling. We only had three more days until our honeymoon was over, then we would go back to our busy lives; the hustle and bustle of the 'grownup' life. I soon found myself reminiscing about our college years, where our love was young and fresh. A small smile formed on my lips.

With every droplet that fell, I missed Kong more. Deep down, I knew that something was wrong but I also knew that he would come home. I felt it.

Two hours later

My eyes shot open as I heard the room door open. I quickly got up in a sitting position on the sofa, the sleep in my eyes quickly vanishing. Thank God...

"Kong-" I was left speechless at the sight that I was witnessing.

Kongpob stood there drenched from head to toe with a baby, no more than 6 months old, tucked tightly under his arms and wrapped tightly in his shirt.

"W-Where were y-you and w-why do you a b-b-baby in your arms?" I stuttered out. What the fuck!?

"P'Arthit, look, I can explain" he said in a pleading tone. He must have thought that I would be angry. Why would I be? He was missing for about two hours and shows up soaked holding a baby. Who in their right minds would be pissed?

However, we were interrupted when the baby in Kong's arms started crying. He immediately unwrapped the tiny being and held it close to his chest.

"P'Arthit, I will explain everything to you but I need to get him warm" I didn't- no I couldn't answer.

When he saw that I didn't respond, he tried again. "Arthit...please, I'll explain everything to you....just please help me." I could only nod absentmindedly and he seemed to be satisfied with that since he only sighed and started moving around the room.

"Hold him" Kongpob commanded as he put the little creature in my arms and headed to the bathroom.

At the same time, the tiny baby opened his eyes and I was met with deep, brown eyes. They seemed to shine when they met mine and I instantly became transfixed. Then it hit me. It smiled. It smiled at me. Cold, soaked in rain and so innocent, it smiled a toothless smile and somehow I saw hope. Why? I don't know. All I know was that this baby would be the death of me.

End of the story!! Thanks so much for reading!

just kidding, its not done yet.

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