Special Chapter: Part Three

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"Hello? Sweetheart...why don't you join me?"

Kongpob was snapped out of his daze when he heard a seductive voice behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw a woman in skimpy clothing checking him out.

"Handsome indeed," she said as a matter of fact. "Hi....my name is Krystal," she said and held out her hand.

Kongpob's POV
I looked the woman up and down with a blank look on my face. I was disappointed, I admit. A part of me was hoping that I would turn around and see Arthit. The woman, 'Krystal', saw me look her up and down. She probably thought that I was interested since she batted her eyelashes at me. I gave her a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested," I said politely. She frowned. Maybe she was not use to being rejected?

Krystal came closer to me, she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Are you sure hubby? You are kinda tipsy, I could bring you home...."

I simply shook my head, a wave of dizziness suddenly hitting me. The alcohol was now taking effect.

Krystal seemed annoyed now. She whined in a high pitched voice, "Pleeaase, I promise to make you feel good."

She was practically attached to me now. I looked over the counter at the bar. The bartender was giving me sympathetic glances. I silently asked him for help.

"Um...excuse me Miss, I have to ask you to leave my customer alone"

"This is none of your business Pete, I'm working here.."

"He doesn't want any 'service', you're wasting your time"

Their bickering was giving me a headache. I tried to rack up in my brain what I could use to shut them up and get this 'Krystal' off me.

"I'm gay. I have a boyfriend."

And it seems that did it. They stopped midway in their conversation, both looking at me with a surprised look. Krystal finally let go of me reluctantly. She was bright red. I guess she was embarrassed but quickly masked it.

"I guess your off the market...bye pretty boy," she said and walked away a little too quickly.

I sighed and turned to the bartender. I could finally breathe. I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks for helping me," I said as I took the time to really look at his face. My vision was slightly fuzzy but I could see his features.

The man, I think his name was Pete, was about 5'7. He had tan skin that almost shined. His jaw line was sharp and his lips were plump. He was extremely handsome, although the shape of his eyebrows and eyes made him look like the red angry bird. Cute.

Tay looked awkward standing there under my gaze

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Tay looked awkward standing there under my gaze. Sigh.. maybe he felt uncomfortable because he found out that I was gay..

I was about to get up when someone held my hand. It was Tay. He smiled brightly. "Your welcome, Krystal is always like that. My name is Tay by the way."

I smiled back, I seemed to be sober. "My name is-"


//Hello readers, I wanted to make this chapter longer as it was suppose to be the last part but while writing something came up and I had to go. Who called Kongpob? Find out in the next chapter. Bye!!\\

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