Special Chapter: Part One

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Arthit came running down the street and into their apartment complex. He was late for an anniversary dinner his with his boyfriend. Kongpob was not going to be pleased.

He ignored the elevator and headed straight up the staircase. Their 3rd anniversary! Arthit was  running out of breath but he still kept going.

How could I do this!? I knew I shouldn't have agreed to help P'Dana with her work. That woman is always causing trouble!

Arthit made it to the apartment and opened the door forcefully. Bang​! He was breathing so hard that you would think he was just ran a marathon.

"Kongpob! I'm here!" He called out looking around the apartment. There was no sign of Kongpob.

Arthit went into the kitchen only  to find Kongpob sitting around the candle lit dining table, head hung low. Kongpob slowly raised his head, his eyes were teary.

Arthit immediately dropped his bag and went over to Kongpob. He kneeled at Kongpob's feet.

"Baby.....are you okay? Why are you crying?" Arthit cooed. He was surprised that his boyfriend was crying. It was all his fault.

What Arthit said seemed to make Kongpob snap. He slammed his fist on the table, the contents jerking.

"Why am I crying? P'......this is our third anniversary. You are late.....two hours late!"

Arthit was speechless. This was the first time that Kongpob raised his voice at him. His boyfriend was definitely angry.

"What's worse though P'....." Kongpob paused and wiped my tears, "is that you have been late to every anniversary celebration....every single one. I'm tired P'Arthit."

And with that Kongpob got up left the kitchen.

He didn't go to the bedroom though......

He walked out the door.

//Hello readers! Here is a special chapter, part one. I hope you liked it. I'm still currently working on the upcoming chapters\\

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