Angry CEO is Sexy

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\\Warning: This chapter will gay intimacy. If you can't handle these things, I'd advise you not to read. Of course you will miss a lot, oh well. Also a disclaimer: This is my first time writing smut. Please pardon me for any inaccuracies and feel free to correct me. Anyway, enjoy//

They were now back at their penthouse and Kongpob hasn't opened his mouth since they returned. Arthit could clearly see that Kongpob was still seething in anger as he sat on the long, off white leather couch they had gotten from Africa.

Arthit went to take a shower to give Kongpob space and when he came back Kongpob was still sitting on the sofa. Only this time, he had removed his jacket and opened up the top three buttons of his shirt and rolled up the sleeve.

Arthit thought Kongpob looked sexy and breath taking. He admits it. He was in the mood for sex, rough one at that but too bad Kongpob was ignoring him. He still wondered what went on at the party between his lover and that couple but he knew Kongpob would tell him...eventually.

Arthit snapped out of his daze when he heard Kongpob groan. His little brother started to get excited and Arthit decided to listen to it. Slowly, Arthit stalked up to Kongpob, like a predator watching its prey. Kongpob still had his eyes closed so Arthit took the opportunity to ambush him.

Arthit straddled Kongpob's lap and licked his right ear. Kongpob's eyes flickered open trying to comprehend what was going on. 'I guess he was in deep thought,' Arthit thought. After a few seconds, Kongpob recovered and frowned. He tried to push Arthit off him. Tried.

Arthit attached himself to Kongpob like a baby koala to its mother. Arthit was being very clingy but he couldn't help it. He wanted sex but his boyfriend was ignoring him. These types of situations were very rare -Arthit wasn't usually bold in initiating intimacy so he also surprised himself.

Arthit then sucked on Kongpob's neck and Kongpob groaned. Kongpob was losing it. How could he resist his sexy sun. 'Fuck that old man,' he thought and began to ravish Arthit.

Kongpob sucked on Arthit's neck and left hickeys in almost every place his lips met. Arthit released a low moan. Kongpob didn't want to make love on the expensive sofa so picked Arthit up, holding him by his butt and carried him up the stairs.

Arthit's hands were caught in Kongpob's hair ravishing his mouth and Kongpob had to take a breather multiple times on the stairs. They were finally at their bedroom and they both let out moans of satisfaction. Kongpob opened the door, no, more like kicked the door and entered.

Kongpob threw Arthit on the bed and started taking off his clothes. Arthit was also busy on the bed as he forcefully ripped off his shirt and soon all their clothes were discarded around the room. Kongpob stood tall and his manhood, taller.

Arthit saw the look in Kongpob's eyes - lust, love and anger. Arthit had a fetish for angry sex. He loved the strong, dominant Kongpob in bed, though he would never admit it.

That night, Kongpob totally consumed Arthit, sucking, biting and licking every part of Arthit's body. They had about nine rounds and when they were finished all they could think was, 'We have an important meeting tomorrow!'

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