Making Up or Out: So Much For Breakfast

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Kongpob was awaken by the smell of omelets. He lazily sat up in bed, his eyes red and puffy from the crying the night before. Slowly, he recalled all the events that happened and a small smile formed on his lips. Kongpob was happy that he had gotten everything off his chest. He somehow felt lighter, his head a bit clearer and his heart more certain of his love for Arthit.

Speaking of Arthit, Kongpob looked beside him and found that the space on the bed was empty but  warm. Arthit got up not too long ago. I wonder where he went? Kongpob wasn't worried but simply wanted to know where the older man went. Kongpob's question was answered when the bedroom door was opened revealing a smiling Arthit with a tray of breakfast in his hands.

"Morning, Kongpob, I made breakfast," Arthit said as he walked around the bed and put the tray on their side table.

Kongpob was grinning from ear to ear and Arthit found himself blushing and squirming under his  teasing gaze. Kongpob puckered his lips and Arthit stared at them for a while before leaning in for what he thought was a quick kiss. But this was not the case as Kongpob turned greedy and held on to the older man's head preventing him from moving.

Of course Arthit became weak as he felt the warmth of Kongpob's lips against his own. Soon a quick kiss became a full blown make out session. One thing that Arthit appreciated was that Kongpob never had 'morning breath' so kissing him in the morning was never a problem, though he would never tell him that.

They pulled apart after a few minutes breathless and flustered. Arthit couldn't handle Kongpob's obvious look of lust and opted to crack a joke, well, more like tried to crack a joke. He started,"Kongpob, I guess this make up session turned into a make out session." Once Arthit heard himself he internally cringed. It sounded so much better in my head.

Kongpob didn't even smile or laugh. He simply closed his eyes and said,"Arthit, my love, my sun, please............never do that again." Arthit was about to curse at Kongpob but the younger man took Arthit's face and kissed him hard before he could say a word. And there it was...... breakfast in bed turned into a quick kiss which in turn was a make out session and well...........we both know what happened after that.

So much for breakfast.

\\This is the end of the chapter. I just wanted to give you guys something nice and cute after that angst and emotional rollercoaster. Bye!!//

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