Our Skyy: Special Chapter

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YOLO!! I've come today with a special chapter in light of 2019!! It's based on the Our Skyy project. It was amazing and I must say that our boys' acting has improved a lot. I was totally overwhelmed by their acting and as we would say in Jamaican Creole or Patois, "Di ting did tun up." It has a bit of a twist so I hope you guys like it. Happy New Year's!!

On Rama Bridge
Arthit nervously walked back and forth on the bridge whilst constantly checking his watch. It was currently 7:15pm and they were supposed to meet at 7pm. He wasn't nervous about Kongpob being late though. The latter had called about thirty minutes before explaining that he would be late as he had to take care of some of his documents to go to China.

To go to China.

Arthit never thought this day would come. Just a few months before, they were in a happy relationship. Just like all other couples, they had their fights. There were some that consisted of him walking out the door and returning the next week after Kongpob's many concerned voicemails and some in which Kongpob had to sleep on the couch for doing only God knows what. However, they got through those rough times together and they had even more sweet moments to make up for those sad ones.

This is why Arthit's heart was ripping apart thinking about what he was about to do. He thought about his conversation with Prem just days before and concluded that he was making the right decision.

Arthit and Prem stood on the apartment roof in comfortable silence. It was Kongpob's 'Farewell Party' and Arthit was having mixed feelings about it all.

On one hand, he was ecstatic that Kongpob had passed the entrance exams with flying colours and earned a scholarship to his dream school in China. Then on the other hand, he was sad and terrified at the thought of Kongpob leaving for a foreign country for two years. However, he couldn't tell Kongpob about his thoughts. The latter would surely decide not to go because of his P'. Arthit couldn't allow his lover to give up on his dreams because of him. He was not a monster.

Prem seemed to notice that something was off his friend so he inquire him about it.

Arthit hesitated a bit about telling Prem. He really wanted to tell someone about his doubts but he also didn't want to be subject to judgement from one of his best friends. After all, his thoughts could be considered selfish.

'Fuck it' he said to himself. He didn't know what to do and he needed advice. He just wouldn't explicitly tell Prem that those were his concerns.

"Um.. actually Prem. I've been wondering about this for a while..." Arthit breathed out. He took his time to formulate his words as he didn't want Prem to realize that he was talking about himself.

"I-I have a friend of mine whose lover is migrating with his family to the US. She asked me for some advice on long distance relationships but I don't know anything about that...so I-I wanted to ask for your opinion." Arthit mentally gave himself a pat on the back for coming up with that particular question.

"Hmmmm" Prem had to think a bit about the matter. He had also never been in a long distance relationship.

"Honestly, I would break up with that person. We wouldn't see each other often and I don't think that face timing and texting would be effective. Well for me at least. I don't know, it depends on the person. If you love attention and affection then I don't think a long distance relationship would be very ideal. There is also the issue of trust in those kinds of relationships. You would have to have a lot of trust in your partner since you know..."

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