Round Four? Oh God!!

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Kongpob POV

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. I slowly sat up as memories of the wild night P'Arthit and I had came flooding back. I looked to my right to see the beautiful creature I call mine. I took the time to appreciate my ferocious beast in hibernation.

Arthit lay asleep on his back, his mouth opened slightly as his chest rose and fell harmoniously. He looked so peaceful Oh god...His pale and flawless chest was tainted by countless red and purplish marks, my marks. His hair fell messily over his gorgeous face and dare I not say...his pink nipples were still swollen.

Stop it! I told myself.

I was getting a boner and my Little Lion was still sore from last night. Yes...sore. I shivered as I remembered what happened.

", t-that's so good.." I groaned and squirmed as Arthit sucked me off. His warm mouth engulfed my manhood once more as his tongue played with my head, slightly sticking it into my slit...just the way I like it.

"Aggh!" He started deep throating me and I was closer to the edge. He sucked faster and faster and.....huh!?

The euphoric sensation abruptly stopped as Arthit pulled away wiping the drool and pre cum from his lips.

" something wrong?" I asked as I started panicking. Did I hurt him? I tried to control myself and not hold on to his hair too tightly. I was about to sit up when he suddenly pushed me back down.

I was curious now. I observed Arthit as he shyly looked at me, his cheeks tinted a pink hue. He was just sucking my dick...what could suddenly make him blush like this!?

After about 10 seconds he finally spoke up.

"I just wanted to try something new.." He admitted.

I raised my eyebrows at him silently telling him to continue.

"I've been doing some reading and I think you might like it.." he finished.

I contemplated for a few seconds...why not? I didn't mind, it is always good to try something new...more erotic? Hehe..

"Okay, I'm fine with it," I agreed. Arthit nodded while smiling.

"Close your eyes," he commanded and I silently obeyed. I was a little excited for what my Oon had in store for me.

"Mmmm.." I was already liking it. Arthit slowly sucked my Little Lion, his tongue tracing every vein and curve.

This went on for about a minute. This slow agonizing pleasure was torture for me. How badly I wanted to mouth fuck him.

I closed my eyes deciding to relish in the feeling of his warm, heavenly cavern....when suddenly...

My eyes shot open as I shouted in pain, "AGH!"

Arthit had slightly bit me...he bit me and I was so shocked that I couldn't say a thing. He spared me not one glance as he licked the area that he mildly bit, causing me to moan again.

End of Flashbackd
That's why I'm sore now. Of course in the moment I was overwhelmed by the pleasure borderline pain that was occurring that I didn't even think of the consequences.

I winced as I tried to get up. Nope, not happening. I guess I'm bedridden today.

"" Arthit was now awake and he shuffled in the bed sheets. He cutely opened one eye and gazed at me. He did something that really shocked me and said something that made me freeze.

"Eh?Your Little Lion is awake? Since my brother bear is also awake...lets have round four then?"

"Oh God...bless my little(big) weener.."

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