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I haven't proofread it yet. Pardon the mistakes and kindly point them out to me please.

"Remember to use protection my dear," Arthit's mother said as she kissed her son on the cheek.

Arthit blushed a bright red. His mother cooed.

"I'm so proud of you two. We'll all be waiting for you to come back from your honeymoon."

Kongpob hugged his mother and Arthit's mother respectively and did a 'manly handshake' with his fathers.

"We'll be back soon. But don't worry, we won't come back with a baby." Kongpob said mischievously. He was grinning like a fool.

Arthit playfully slapped Kongpob. The latter laughed.

"We wish you guys the best. Come back safely."

Arthit was shocked. The always playful and loud Bright had a serious look on his face, sincerely wishing his favourite the best. All of a sudden Arthit felt emotional. His eyes brimming with tears. Bright opened his arms widely and everyone took the invitation, coming together for a group hug.

"Hey! Which one of you perverts groped my butt!?" Bright's voice echoed throughout the little cavern they built. The gang snickered.

After a few seconds the group disbanded. It was time for the newly wedded couple to depart. With a final goodbye to all their families and friends, they were off to Tokyo, Japan.

If only they knew what was to come...

Finally, after a six hour flight, the couple had arrived in Tokyo, Japan. Somehow to Arthit, the air smelt of cherry blossoms, the beautiful candy pink flowers that Japan was famous for. Or maybe he was just smelling the atmosphere of love that surrounded them.

Arthit and Kongpob were currently in The Ritz-Carlton Hotel lobby. The Ritz-Carlton was an extremely luxurious hotel located in the Tokyo Midtown tower.

As they were approaching the reception desk, Arthit couldn't help but admire the fine and detailed design of the building. He held great respect for the engineers that planned this.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the receptionist greeted with a sweet smile. She was a pleasant looking young lady, in her mid 20s.

"Yes, I reserved a room under the name Suthiluck ..."

While Kongpob and the receptionist were discussing the rooms, Arthit was left admiring the building once again. He left his luggage at Kongpob's feet and walked off to explore the lobby.


Arthit touched any and everything he saw, cooing like a six year old who had seen fireworks for the first time. He was just about to touch the shiny, tiled floor when he heard someone clear their throat behind him.

Arthit looked like a guilty puppy as he turned to look at the person. A tall, lean and handsome man stood before him, his body clad in an expensive suit. His hands were neatly folded at his chest and his head was held high. He shot a questioning look at Arthit.

"May I help you Sir?" the stranger asked politely yet firmly

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"May I help you Sir?" the stranger asked politely yet firmly. He was expecting an answer.

Arthit's mouth gaped open and close like a fish out of water. He finally stuttered out a response.

"Um- Ah- I-I'm fine. Yep." Arthit cringed internally. He successfully managed to embarrass himself. There was one thing that never changed about Arthit, even after the years. He was easily embarrassed and flustered.

The curt looking man gave him a once over, seemingly not impressed but Arthit's attire.

The curt looking man gave him a once over, seemingly not impressed but Arthit's attire

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Arthit was squirming under the man's intense gaze. His eyes were sharp and judgemental. Arthit suddenly felt self-conscious.

A warm hand wrapped around Arthit's waist from behind.

"Is something the matter?" Kongpob whispered in Arthit's right ear. Arthit looked at his husband and shook his head no.

Kongpob turned towards the stranger who was still standing in front of them. Arthit was surprised to see the man smiling at Kongpob. Arthit frowned.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" Kongpob asked the taller male. The latter shook his head.

"Not at all. I was just asking this gentleman if he was okay. He wandering around and I assumed he was lost."

Kongpob nodded his head in understanding. Arthit has gone missing numerous times, all because he easily gets distracted. He gave Arthit a knowing look. The shorter male just looked away, blushing a bright red.

"I do not believe I have introduced myself. My name is Takuya Mitori. I am the chairman of this hotel," he said then gave a slight bow. Arthit's eyes widened. He was surprised that the young man in front of him, no more than thirty years old, was the chairman of one the most luxurious hotels in Japan.

"I am Kongpob Suthiluck, CEO of SH Conglomerate, a company in Thailand."

Arthit frowned deeply as he looked between the two.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Suthiluck. I hope you enjoy your stay."

As always, Kongpob being the oblivious fool that he is didn't notice the suggestive look on the latter's face. Arthit, however, saw it.

You think that you'll get your hands on my husband!? Let's see.

The end of the chapter. This is a very rushed update....

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