Talking Business

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As Kongpob was guiding Arthit away, two very prominent looking people emerged from a group of people. "Mr. Kongpob Suthiluck and Arthit Rojnapat, good afternoon," the man greeted. The woman simply gave a curt nod. 'So this is Mr. and Mrs. Tuthilack from Frome Enterprise,' Kongpob thought.

" Good afternoon to you too, Mr. and Mrs. Tuthiluck," Kongpob greeted. The couple seemed to be pleased that Mr. Suthiluck knew their name. Naturally, the four formed a circle that no one dared to break and thus kept their distance as the two pairs of power couples talked business.

~After the conversation~
Kongpob angrily walked out of the venue ignoring every person who attempted to approach him. Arthit helplessly trailed behind him. He had never seen Kongpob like this. He was actually afraid of Kongpob at that moment. He had gone to the bathroom during the conversation and when he came back Kongpob simply took him by the arm and dragged him.

~Flashback~ (Kongpob's POV)
It was about three minutes into our conversation and everything was going well. They seemed to be honest, humble people who would be excellent business partners and provide many benefits to the company

We were talking about the new trends in the business world when my sun politely interrupted saying he had to use the bathroom. I watched his backside as he walked away. 'Damn, he is sexy,' I thought and immediately turned back to my company. I didn't want to seem rude.

When I turned back to them, they were frowning at me. I was very confused and my eyes showed it as well because they snickered at me. "I didn't expect someone as prominent as yourself Mr. Suthiluck to be gay," Mr. Tuthiluck spit out with disgust. I frowned as well.

"Excuse me?" That's all I could say. I was still surprised and couldn't formulate any comebacks.

"You probably don't know this but everyone here despises you. You think you're some hotshot because your daddy gave you a big company. Let me tell you this, you and your gold digger boyfriend will never be anything but lowly faggots."

I snapped. I immediately saw red and intended to raise my fist to collide with this fuckers' face. But that was before I saw Arthit walking out of the bathroom and I gained a little control of my anger. I wouldn't let him win. I wouldn't let him make me ruin my reputation so I grabbed Arthit's arm and dragged him out of the venue.

~Present Time~
Kongpob's grip on Arthit was starting to get too tight and Arthit began squirming. Kongpob didn't listen and continued to drag Arthit. When they got to the car, Kongpob opened the door and threw Arthit into the passenger side then went to his seat.

Arthit was extremely confused and partly annoyed. 'Why is he ignoring me?' "What happened at the venue Kongpob? Tell me," Arthit demanded.

Kongpob muttered, "Just business" and drove off.

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