Special Chapter:Part Two

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Kongpob left....he left. He was tired so he left.

It took Arthit a few moments to realize what had just happened. He was still in the kneeling position Kongpob left him in, a dazed expression painting his face. He shook his head coming back to his senses and immediately took out his phone to dial Kongpob's number.


Arthit grimaced. Kongpob's phone was ringing from the bedroom.

Arthit got worried. He had never seen Kongpob so angry, even when he messed up their apartment. Would his lover act irrationally? Surely Kongpob wasn't an idiot but Arthit had never been in this situation before. He didn't want to take any chances.

Arthit hurried straight out the door with his phone in hand. He ignored the elevator and ran down the staircase at record speed almost colliding with a man walking up the stairs. The man cursed profanities but Arthit was not fazed. That was the least of his problems. He quickly apologised and continued, not sparing a second glance.

Soon Arthit was in the lobby. He asked people around if they saw a man matching the description of: handsome, around 5'10, slim build and tan. They all said they didn't see a man matching that description pass them.

Arthit began to wonder if Kongpob was still in the building. Suddenly, a teenage boy stepped forward and said, "I saw someone like that....he looked really sad."

Arthit perked up at that. "You saw him? Do you know which direction he went in?"

"Yeah..." the boy paused, trying to recall the previous events. "He was heading to a bar I think, Diamond Pub." 

Arthit sighed relieved. The pub was about a five minute walk from their apartment.

"But why are you looking for him?" the boy asked curiously.

Arthit absentmindedly answered, "He's my boyfriend," and took off sprinting.

~~In the bar~~
Kongpob sat down at the bar immediately calling for the bartender. He ordered the strongest drinks they had and drank away his worries.

I was extremely happy for today. My third anniversary with my sun, my lover, Arthit. We had decided to have homemade dinner. Simple but romantic. I prepared the candles and decorated the table. I even got Arthit's friends to help me cook the perfect dinner since I knew I would poison him if I cooked. But here I was, sitting at the dining table waiting for my lover to arrive.

He said he would be home by seven but it was now seven thirty. 'Maybe he's just a bit late because of work' I thought. I always made up excuses in my head as to why he was always late for our anniversary celebrations. I was hoping it wouldn't be the case this year but I guess I was wrong.

Thirty minutes late turned to an hour late. I started to feel upset. The spaghetti and meat balls was getting cold and I have not gotten even one call or text explaining why he was late. 'Did he take me for granted? Or is it that he doesn't care about this special day?' I glanced at my watch, it was now ten minutes past eight. I shook my head,'Don't think like this, I'm sure Arthit has a good reason'

One hour and thirty minutes late...I broke down crying.

I felt betrayal, anger, sadness, confusion and many more emotions overwhelming me. I couldn't fight the tears, they just kept flowing. I was doubting our relationship at this point.

It has been three years, and I still do all the chasing. I understand that Arthit's personality prevents him from being very intimate, especially in public, but sometimes you want your lover to hold you and say how much you mean to them. I may be confident in my love for Arthit and may express it daily but at least once in a while I would like Arthit to take the initiative and pamper me.

Two hours late....I gave up.

Bang! The door opened. He was finally here...I couldn't smile. I just hung my head low.

"Kongpob! I'm here!" I heard Arthit shout.

After a few moments Arthit entered the kitchen. I slowly raised my head, tears sprung to my eyes again. He quickly came over to me and kneeled at my feet.

"Baby.....are you okay? Why are you crying?" Arthit cooed at me. If it was any other time than this I would of been happy with his tone of voice but what he said caused me to snap.

I slammed my hands on the table, the plates and candles jerking.

"Why am I crying? P'......this is our third anniversary. You are late.....two hours late!"

He looked speechless. I admit that I had never raised my voice at him but how could he not know why I was crying.

"What's worse though P'....." I paused and wiped my tears, "is that you have been late to every anniversary....every single one. I'm tired P'Arthit."

With that final sentence I got up and went through the door. I walked slowly, a part of me hoping he would chase me. He never did...I was always the one chasing. I was tired, I needed a break.

I headed to a bar. I didn't like drinking but tonight was an exception. I didn't bring my phone, not that he would try to call me. I also always did the calling.

"Hello? Sweetheart...why don't you join me?

Kongpob was snapped out of his daze when he heard a seductive voice behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw a woman in skimpy clothing checking him out.

"Handsome indeed...Hi, my name is Krystal," she said and held out her hand.

\\ Hello readers! This is the end of the chapter. Bye!//

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