Goodbye Takuya and Hello 'Hope'

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This chapter(I think its the second to last) is horrible. Very anticlimactic even thoughI wanted it to be exciting. It was not proof read so PLEASE advance with caution. Please give me feedback so I can change anything in the chapter. Your opinions are appreciated. Enjoy!

Kongpob POV (One hour before the incident)
Ring Ring Ring

I sat on the bed watching TV when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and noticed that it was an unknown number. Huh? Weird.

"Hello, " I answered. I waited for the person to reply but all I got was the sound of heavy breathing from the other end. I was just about to hang up when someone replied.

"Kongpob? It's Takuya, I need your help!" the person frantically said.

"Takuya, what's wrong...wait, how did you get my number!?" Kong was shocked that he had received a call from the Japanese man asking for help. He sounded like he was in trouble.

"Takuya...hold on, where are you right now?" Kongpob said as he grabbed his car keys and wallet then proceeded to the door.

"I'm at XXX, please hurry!"

"I got it, I'm on my way." Wait.

Kongpob paused just as he got to the door.

Arthit...he's going to be worried. What should I do? Should I leave a note for him? Kongpob contemplated for a second before he decided not to. Takuya was in trouble and he needed to help him. Arthit would just have to have faith in him.

30 minutes later
Kongpob took a second look at his GPS which directed him to an old, abandoned warehouse. It really was XXX and Kongpob was starting to have second thoughts about the whole thing. Now that he actually thought about it, the call from Takuya was really shady and he probably should have told Arthit or the police about it. He cursed himself for his heroic yet stupid personality.

He slowly exited his car, all the while being cautious and alert of his surroundings. He was still regretting not bringing Arthit. After all, it was a foreign country he was in and he was possibly putting himself in danger.'s too late to go back.

Kongpob squinted his eyes as he looked at the old warehouse. It resembled a typical, haunted warehouse he noticed. It was big, brown and spelt like a few stray animals had taken their last breath there. He scrunched his nose as he got closer to the entrance of the creepy building. He felt something bubbling in his stomach as he entered the warehouse but still continued advancing, his flashlight on.

"Takuya! Are you here?" Kongpob called.

"I'm here" a strained and raspy voice whispered.

"AAAGGGGHHHHHH" Kongpob screamed.

"What the fuck Takuya!? Are you okay? Why did you call me here?" Kongpob asked. He slowly raised his flashlight to get a good look at the Japanese man.

One. Two. Three.

Kongpob took three steps back when he saw Takuya. The man had a huge gaping wound on his head which was oozing blood. It looked like a rive staining the face of a once beautiful man crimson.

"Oh my God! What happened!?" Kongpob said before he rushed to attend Takuya's wound. The injured man staggered back and held one hand up.

"No! Don't come near me!" he pleaded. His voice was laced with so much pain and sorrow.

"I-I called you here to give you s-something"

"What is it Takuya? I won't take it if it's something illegal" Kongpob warned. He was shocked at the state he found Takuya in. The man didn't want him to help and it seemed like...well...he was involved in someone illegal business.

"It's nothing illegal I assure you. I can't tell you anything but just promise me that you'll protect what I'm going to give you with my life."

"I promise" Those words flowed right out of Kong's mouth as easily as rivers flow into seas. Something told him that he would want what Takuya was going to give him.

Suddenly, Takuya fell to the ground. He looked weak and his breath was getting heavier. Kongpob was worried now. He kneeled down and held Takuya's bloody face in his hands. The Japanese man was starting to lose consciousness.

"Takuya! STAY AWAKE" Kongpob screamed.

That seemed to put some sense into Takuya and his eyes fluttered.

"Kongpob, I'm s-sorry...but please protect h-him... H-he's all I have left. Don't let him get his hands on my precious one."

"Please...behind that crate. Don't try to help me...quickly leave and don't look back. I know that you and Arthit will take care of him."

Kongpob teared up as he watched Takuya gasp for air. His body wouldn't-no couldn't move to help the dying man. It was like Takuya casted a spell. Don't help me. Now he couldn't actually move to save him. Besides, it seems like Takuya knew that his time was limited.

Kongpob quickly got up and went for the crate that Takuya pointed out.

"What is behind th- Oh my God!" Kongpob's eyes widened.

Behind the crate, wrapped cosily in a thick blanket was a baby. A real baby.

He quickly but gently picked up the sleeping bundle in his arms  and rushed over to Takuya.

"Why is a baby here? Oh my god-no no-wait what is going on?" Kongpob started hyper-ventilating.

"Kongpob!" Takuya shouted with the little strength he had left. Kongpob abruptly stopped.

"Please...just protect him. Give him a warm home and a wonderful family. P-please.."

Kongpob hastily nodded.

"Y-yes I promise..I do, I will protect this baby with my life."

Takuya visibly relaxed at that. He looked calm. Not tense and anxious like he did a while before.

Kongpob was just about to bombard Takuya with questions when he was silenced.

"Please don't- don't question it. I k-know that I'm being very selfish right now but I ask that you allow my last few moments alive to be stress-free."

Kongpob just stood there silently with the baby in his arms as he watched Takuya slowly fade.

"Sigh..." A deep long sigh was emitted from Takuya.

His life was gone.

"Goodbye Takuya." A single tear fell from Kongpob's eye.

Kongpob looked down at the baby in his arms whose eyes had just opened. His eyes seemed to be the only source of life in the dark and gloomy warehouse.

"Hello 'Hope'."

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