"You May Now Kiss Your World"

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Disclaimer:I don't own any of the pics. I also don't even know the words that the priest says at a ceremony. Please bare with me as you read the nonsense I call a chapter.

"Arthit, are you ready?" Kongpob called out as he opened the door. Arthit stood in front of the mirror fixing his tie, his pale pink suit cladding his body perfectly.

Arthit hummed in reply and Kongpob smiled, walking up to his lover and wrapping his arms around in a back hug

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Arthit hummed in reply and Kongpob smiled, walking up to his lover and wrapping his arms around in a back hug. Kongpob knew that the senior was nervous. He was too, but he had to appear calm for Arthit's sake. They were taking one of the biggest steps in a relationship, in front of about one hundred people. Did the pair know all of them? Not at all. Many of them were business associates his father had gathered. Not to mention the media. Kongpob didn't really mind though, as he said he just wanted to marry his sun and nothing more. Plus, the whole world would know who Arthit Rojnapat belonged to and vice versa.

They stood together like that for a few moments appreciating each other's company.

Knock. Knock.

"Come on love birds, it's time to tie the knot," Knot said from the other side of the door. Then they heard the faint sounds of footsteps leaving. It's time.

Arthit sighed and turned around with a faint smile. Kongpob pecked his lips and they walked out the door hand in hand.

**Play the song now**
The guards opened the door and the crowd stood to welcome the soon-to-be wedded couple. They walked at a moderate pace down the aisle. The aura surrounding the couple was one of love, confidence and certitude. None dared to question their love.

They soon arrived at the altar and the priest motioned for the audience to be seated

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They soon arrived at the altar and the priest motioned for the audience to be seated. It was so quiet you could hear a pin fall. It was as if they were afraid of disturbing the odd tranquility of the atmosphere.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of soulmates, sun and moon, in holy matrimony." The priest's voice echoed in the hall as he looked out into the audience, his gaze scanning all their faces. He then looked between Kongpob and Arthit.

"Please say your vows..."

"Arthit Rojnapat, my sun, my lover, my everything. This is the day that I have been dreaming of since our eyes. The day that we tie the knot officially and become husband and husband. I promise to remain faithful to you, my pink milk monster, and cherish and take care of you. I promise to be your shoulder to lean on when you cry and the body you hug tightly when you are happy. I vow to be the moon that only orbits the sun called Oon."

Kongpob finished his vows with his charming smile, the one that always stopped Arthit's heart for a second, the smile that Kongpob had specifically reserved for his son.

Arthit inhaled and exhaled deeply as the priest smiled at Kongpob and turned to him, "You may now say your vows."

"I, Arthit Rojnapat promise to be ever faithful to you, my moon, Kongpob Suthiluck. I vow to cherish and protect you and to put you first above all. I am not perfect, but I am glad that you accepted me knowing of all my flaws and insecurities. For that I really am grateful. Let's spend the rest of our lives together as Sun and Moon."

Arthit ended his vow with a smile and a single tear drop from his eyes as he turned to the priest. The priest nodded.

"Do you Kongpob Suthiluck take Arthit Rojnapat as your wedded husband, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do."

Arthit's heart jumped in joy. He felt like he was flying on clouds.

"And do you Arthit Rojnapat take Kongpob Suthiluck as your wedded husband, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do," Arthit rushed out. The audience couldn't help but snicker lightly at how hastily he said it. Arthit blushed a bright red.

Kongpob gazed at Arthit teasingly as he taunted the older man with his expressive eyes. 'My baby Arthit really wanted to marry me'. His eyes said it clearly. Arthit broke eye contact with the younger man, not because he was embarrassed, but because he really wanted to kiss him.

"Families, friends and business partners, I now pronounce Kongpob Suthiluck and Arthit Rojnapat husband and husband..." The priest looked between the pair.

'Come on....say it' Arthit whined internally.

"You may now kiss your world."

And with that Arthit immediately dived in and held Kongpob's tie as he placed a passionate kiss on his lips.


he kiss ended with an eruption of cheers from their best friends. Bright screamed as he jumped on one of the chairs, "PAY UP AI'PREM, I TOLD YOU AI'ARTHIT WOULD DO THE SMOOCHING!"

Arthit, who was smiling at his wild friends' antics, immediately frowned when he heard what Bright said.


And so the chase begun in the wedding hall.

A terrified Bright was chased by an infuriated Arthit who was chased by a concerned Kongpob who was chased by laughing friends taking videos.

Meanwhile, the priest was shocked at how quickly the atmosphere changed. A calm and romantic one to a wild and loud one. He silently prayed for Bright....

"May he rest in piece that boy"

~ I was not really satisfied with this chapter. I hope the next one will be better😊 ~

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