Hallway Experience

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Hello readers!! This is a short chapter. I'm trying to keep my story relevant. Anyway, this is not proofread so please excuse grammatical errors.


The elevator arrived at the 9th floor of the hotel. Arthit, however, had a slight frown on his face as they made their way out the elevator and to the end of the hall where their room was. Why? Because Takuya Mitori was leading them, his shoulders slightly touching Kongpob's as the two walked in sync, as equals. Arthit simply trailed behind them like a lost puppy.

He was upset that Kongpob immediately clicked with Takuya and it was safe to say that they were now friends. Kongpob, being the baboon that he was, didn't even realize the taller man's animalistic stares as he introduced himself to the latter, nor did he notice the ones of jealously towards Arthit as he introduced the shorter man as his husband.

Soon, they came to a halt in front of a door. The VIP Room 5 in gold gave a clear indication that the people staying in the room were to be treated with extra attentiveness.

While Kongpob took out the key card, Takuya still present, Arthit took the time to appreciate the hall way. The floors were a dark, shiny expensive-looking wood covered with a beautifully patterned carpet. Its gold and red embroidery was stunning. The walls were no less elegant. They also had gold and red embroidery with pictures that illustrated classic Japanese folktales. It was then that Arthit realized that all the rooms in the hall said VIP Room. They were on the VIP Floor. Arthit mentally face palmed. He was however interrupted in his thoughts by the said man calling for him.

"Arthit...Arthit! Are you okay?" Kongpob stood in front of him, a worried expression masking his features.

"Huh? O-Oh y-yeah I'm okay. I was just looking at the w-walls" he replied. He blushed a bright red Kongpob raised his perfect eyebrows at him and smirked.

"The door is open...unless you want us to sleep out here" Kongpob joked. He really couldn't get enough of his new husband.

Behind them, a throat was cleared politely. It was Takuya. Why is he still here? Arthit thought.

"Well then, I will take my leave. Have a good night gentlemen" he bid his goodbye. The couple nodded in reply.

As Takuya passed Kongpob, however, he stopped midway and gave a special goodbye.

"Mr. Suthiluck, I hope you speak with you again and continue our talks," he said faintly. His eyes sparkled as he spoke to Kongpob. It was like Arthit did not exist to him. He saw Kongpob and Kongpob alone.

Takuya continued on his way and walked towards the elevator. As he stood waiting for it, he took a glance back and what he saw made him rage in jealousy.

Arthit, who was also jealous, held Kongpob in his embrace and gave him a long passionate kiss. After, he silently looked towards Takuya and winked.

You don't actually think you have a chance right? I have his heart. You only own the hotel we'll be fucking at.

His thoughts were louder than any spoken word and Takuya got his message clearly. His quickly turned away and tried to compose himself. When he turned back to the couple, Arthit was already leading Kongpob inside their hotel room, the door shutting with a click.

Takuya clenched his jaws.

I always get what I want. Mark my words, I'll take him from you...you won't see it coming.

End of this chapter!!

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