Love is Not Marriage

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Kongpob woke up with a numb feeling in his arm. He lazily yawned as he was still a little tired from last night's events.

Kongpob looked down to find that his sun was soundly sleeping with his he'd on Kongpob's left arm and his arms and legs draped over Kongpob's body. The bed sheets barely covered their naked bodies.

Kongpob took the time to appreciate his sun's peaceful face. Kongpob suddenly had an idea. He smirked.

Kongpob carefully untangled himself from Arthit. Since Arthit was a heavy sleeper, Kongpob didn't worry about the older man waking up. Kongpob went under the bed sheets and started kissing Arthit's body, slowly going lowest and lower.

Arthit stirred a bit but didn't wake up. Kongpob then engulfed Arthit's little brother in his warm mouth and sucked him. Arthit's eyes fluttered open.

"Ughhhh......Kong........more," Arthit moaned once he realized what was going on. And that's how they spent their morning.

~~~After Sex~~~
"I want to get married Kongpob," Arthit said as his breath steadied from the heavy love making.

Kongpob was silent. "I'm sorry Arthit, I don't want to get married." Arthit's heart shattered but he simply smiled.

"It's okay, we don't have to be married to be in love."

Kongpob released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thank you for understanding My Sun, I love you."

"I love you too," Arthit replied. They fell asleep listening to each other's heartbeat.

What Kongpob didn't hear was Arthit desperately trying to contain his crying.

\\I'm sorry this chapter is so short, the next chapter will be longer.//

*What did you think? Why didn't Kongpob want to get married? Does it have anything to do with that night at the charity event? Continue reading to find out. Please remember to vote and leave comments. I would love feedback. Bye!*

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