I Want to be Yours Forever

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~~Kongpob's POV~~
"Okay, thanks P'Knot. I'm glad you didn't tell him," I said before I hung up. Arthit didn't find out which is a relief.

What am I planning? It's obvious. I'm going to get down on one knee and confess my love for P'Arthit. Simply put, I'm going to propose. Everything was set and I had the support of Arthit's family. Plus, with the help of mine and Arthit's friends, everything was arranged perfectly. I just needed Arthit to say 'yes'.

Of course I was well aware of my lover's suspicion. I didn't like keeping anything from him but this was an exception.

I was now on the beach side with all of mine and Arthit's friends and family. We were waiting for Knot to arrive with Arthit.

May and other girls had decorated the beach and it was extremely beautiful. I knew Arthit would love it.

All the guests stood around the tent while I stood in the center, tightly gripping the velvet box that held two rings

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All the guests stood around the tent while I stood in the center, tightly gripping the velvet box that held two rings. Yes two. I want us both to put on a ring. That way we put our claim upon each other before we actually put our claim upon each other, if that makes sense.

The rings were Sun and Moon themed. It was a simple and elegant design just like our love.

About fifteen minutes later I saw two silhouettes walking in my direction

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About fifteen minutes later I saw two silhouettes walking in my direction. One them will be my wedded husband. I smiled at that thought.

The day was coming to an end and it was cool and peaceful, everyone was content as I would propose to the one I loved the most in this world. However, the peace was soon disturbed by a loud shout coming from the distance. It was P'Arthit. He shouted,"Come on Knot! Tell me why we're here. Are you planning on killing me here? You wouldn't dare! Kongpob would come to save me......" He rambled on and on but it soon came to an abrupt stop when he saw what was in front of him.

I stepped out from under the tent smiling at Arthit's antics. He was always so loud when he was nervous or flustered. I smiled at Knot and he gave a proud nod. I held Arthit's hand and brought him under the tent. He still had a starstruck expression on his face.

"What is going on Kongpob?" he asked me. I simply smiled and led him to the center of the tent, the cool air nipping at my skin.

Slowly, I got down on one knee and took his right hand in mine. Arthit's eyes teared up once he realized what was going to happen. "Kongpob," he breathed out. I kissed the top of his hand in reply. It felt as if we were the only people on the beach, our eyes said everything. They spoke about our love and the obstacles that we faced together. The raw emotions could be seen clearly in our eyes. I was happy, he was happy.

Soon the place was dead silent. I opened the velvet box and started:

"Arthit Rojnapat, my sun, my lover, my best friend, my soulmate. I love you the most in this world and would like to express my desire to spend the rest of my life tied to you. Arthit, will you marry me?"

I watched Arthit with keen eyes. His eyes had begun to let the tears run freely. He looked so beautiful. His face was glowing, his eyes filled with love. He smiled broadly, his dimples showing the clearest I've ever seen them.

"I love you Kongpob, I love you so much and I would love to spend the rest of my life as yours. Yes, I will marry you," Arthit replied.

I slowly rose from my position and took the rings out of the case. I slid the moon themed ring onto Arthit's finger while looking directly looking into his eyes. The ring fit him perfectly, as if it made specifically for him. In return, Arthit slid the sun themed ring on my finger. We both smiled as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

Finally, the silence was gone as cheers erupted from everyone who was watching. The females were squealing at how romantic the proposal was. Both Kongpob's and Arthit's parents were in tears. There children were happy and in love, it was surely something to celebrate. Obviously, the couples' friends were the loudest. 'You put the ring on it' and 'I'm so lonely' could be heard as the ex- hazers and current hazers celebrated. Bright was the only one in tears as he screamed, "JESUS, WHERE IS ALL THIS DUST COMING FROM?"

**********Third Person POV**********
That evening was spent celebrating. The sound of laughter filled the place as it stretched for miles and miles. If you asked someone who was driving by, they would tell you that they felt happiness being coming from the beach.

But of course all good things must come to an end. Maybe not so soon but eventually. Let's just hope that this couple is ready for their new life. Remember, marriage is not the end, it is just the beginning.

\\Hello readers! This is the end of the chapter. What did you think? Of course, this is not the end of the book, it is only the beginning. Hehe! Bye!//

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