Bachelor Parties and Bathroom Stalls

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To say Arthit was happy with the decorations for the wedding was an understatement. With a lot of help from his friends and family, Arthit and Kongpob had managed to pick out from table cloths and flowers, to the wedding cake and tuxedos. Though Kongpob decided to help after about a week of planning when he realized that his fiancé was struggling to make decisions. Let's just say that Kongpob got an earful from Arthit when he approached the older man.

The invitations had been sent out three weeks before and the list was not small at all. In the beginning of their relationship, Arthit thought that he would want a small wedding with only their closest friends and family but that changed. Arthit found himself wanting to be wedded in front of a large number of people. The reason? He wanted to show everyone that Kongpob was a taken man, officially off the market. Kongpob however was fine with any scale wedding, as long as he would get to marry his Sun.

~~One day before the wedding; aka Bachelor's Party~~
When the couples' friends suggested that they have separate bachelors' parties, Kongpob and Arthit agreed. They would each go with their gang to whatever club or party and have fun. That was the plan, their last night as 'free' men was suppose to be spent like that. However, things don't always go as planned.

*2 hours before*
As they entered the club they were immediately assaulted by flashing lights and the smell of alcohol. Bright led the group over to a free table and they all took a seat. The table was quiet, a huge contrast to the environment that they were in. However, that silence was cut short when they all glanced at each other and broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Eh! Our friend Arthit has grown up a lot. Let's celebrate!" Bright shouted then got up to order their drinks.

"Yeah Arthit, I'm proud of you!" Knot exclaimed as he patted Arthit's shoulder and smiled.

Seeing all his friends from university who stuck with him through thick and thin gathered around him, Arthit immediately teared up.

"Arthit, are you okay?" Knot asked panicked that his best friend suddenly started crying.

"I'm okay, it's just that I-I'm so h-happy t-that I have you guys.... I-I love you guys."

They all laughed at how much Arthit was stuttering but they also felt touched and appreciated. Bright felt warm and fuzzy. Eww, he thought. "Okay.....what's with all the crying, this is a celebration not a funeral," he said. "Let's have fun!" Then he gulped down a shot and slammed the glass on the table.

Everyone cheered in response and so the fun began.

After about an hour and a half of drinking, almost everyone was a drunken mess. Bright was dancing on the table screaming,"MY BABWY IS AWWL GWOWN UP. HEHE. I'M SAW LONEWY!" Knot, who was sober enough, quickly took Bright down before he got them kicked out of the club.

Arthit, who heard Bright screaming, was awoken from his beauty sleep and felt his bladder bursting. "I have to gooooo tooo bathrooom," he giggled and walk-stumbled to the bathroom.

When he entered he immediately went to empty his bladder. It was only after Arthit was finished that he heard shuffling in the bathroom stall furthest from the entrance. Maybe someone got trapped inside? he thought and went to investigate.

" anyone there?" Arthit called out although he was feeling kinda dizzy.

The noise abruptly stopped. Maybe I'm just imagining.....I need to get going. The others might leave me.

Arthit was just about to leave when he heard someone vaguely shout, "Please!" It sounded as if the person's voice was being muffled. That's suspicious.....

Arthit walked over to the bathroom stall and knocked on it. He didn't get an answer and stooped to look underneath. Arthit lowered himself but winced when his head started to pound. He shook his head and blinked his eyes multiple times to get rid of the dizziness. When it was gone, he looked under the door and saw two pairs of feet?!

Then it struck Arthit.

Without thinking Arthit started banging on the door. "Hey! Who's in there? Are you okay?"

Suddenly, the door opened revealing two angry, half naked men. They looked very annoyed with the man who disturbed them but Arthit was clueless.

"Don't you see we're busy here? Use a different stall," one of the men spat out. He was the taller and more muscular one while the other one was very  lanky and feminine looking.

Then it struck Arthit again.

He immediately turned red once he realized what they were doing. They were doing 'it' in the stall. he thought.

The taller man smirked and eyed Arthit up and down. " you want to join us?"

Arthit's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. "Today is my bachelor's party.....I'm a guy......but even so if I wasn't I still wouldn't want to- you know what I'm just gonna go." Arthit quickly stopped rambling and scurried out of the bathroom, running into the door on his way out. Gosh, that was embarrassing.

He didn't realize that even though he cock blocked the two men, he gave them a good laugh to make up for it.

\\Hello readers! This is the end of the chapter. I apologize for not posting for two days straight. I was busy with school matters but I'm back. Bye!!//

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