Chapter 4.

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Natasha's part:-

I still can't belive what dad said me. Please God make it a lie. This can't happen. I woke up the next morng and all i was thinking is this. Someone knocks my door

Mom- honey you up??

Me- yeah

Mom- please come out of your room

I was in my room like for 12 hrs. I didn't want to come out. Its like i have to face something bad.

Mom- honey!!!

I came out of my room

Mom- sorry for everyhing. It was all sudden. Are you ok??

Me- i need to talk to both of you

After getting fresh we again gathered at the dining table. The place where we left our conversation.

Me- ok now answer me why did you guys fixed my marriage with some other guy when you know i love Liam. I need an explanation.

Dad- we have a very good reason.

I frowned.

Dad- listen carefully. Actually......(dad stares at me)......Liam is the child of my ex girlfriend.

I shot a look towards dad.

Me- wow!!?? So??

Dad- you are not getting it.

Me- then explain me

Dad- listen.....i dated my ex for a long time. After i left her i married ur mother. I received calls from her. She used to threaten me. She wanted to take revenge. And now she is taking revenge. You are in love with his child. Once she gets you she will ruin your as well as our life.

Me- dad !! What do you think?? You will just make up any story and i have to belive that??

Mom- its true.

Tears rolled down from my mom's eyes.

Mom- we got rid of her after many quarrels and fighting. We thought that now we can live peacefully. At first we were ok with your relationship with Liam but soon we discovered that he is the son of your father's ex.

I started having a bad headache. I don't know what was going on. Why all these things were happening?? For a moment i felt its a bad dream. I can't belive Liam is the son of my father's ex. That means he was using me till now. He doesn't loves me??

I called liam.

Liam - hey babe

Me- can we meet??

L- sure babe.

Me- pick me up at 11.

L- ok see you.


Liam comes at sharp 11. We went to a cafe. We took our seat and ordered two coffee ☕️ . Liam kissed me. For the first time i felt irritated by his kiss 💋 . I pulled myself back.

Liam - what happened??

Me- er.....nothing

Liam - so my babe's mood is off?? ( he gives me puppy look)

Damn i m in love with him.

Me- no

Liam- then....what's bothering you??

Me- Liam do you love me??

Liam- of course babe (kisses my cheek) i love you to the moon and back.

Me- liam i am getting married.

Liam- yeah i know we will get married.

Me- no liam. I m getting married with someone else. My parents have fixed my marriage with someone else.

Liam - what?? Why??

And then i said him the whole story. I said him too that he is the son of my father's ex.

Liam's expression changed in seconds. He was not distrubed. As if he knew everything.

Me- we should do something Liam.

Liam - something what ???

Me- you talk to my parents and convince them. Baby you love me na??

Liam- i got to go

Me- but...liam...wait......Liam....

I called his name but he left me there all alone. I cried. I cried for hours. My phone rang. It was mom.

Mom- where are you???

Me- in cafe.

Mom- come home.

I returned home. My eyes were red. Hair was messy. My eyeliner was smudged. As i returned home my parents were shocked to see me.

Dad- what happened to you?? ( hugs me)

Me- he left me

Mom- who??

Me- Liam ( i cried and screamed) Liam left left meee.......

I sat on the floor and cried. My mom and dad hugged me. I cried and cried.

Next day-----

Mom- are you ready dear??

Me- yes mom coming.

Today i haven't went to office. I think i should resign. But i will think about it later. Today the boy and the boy's parents are coming to see me. Yeah the boy with whom my marriage is fixed.

They have arrived. I could hear them from my room. After sometime my mom came to call me. I was ready. We went downstairs. I sat in front of th boy. I looked at him. He was handsome.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now