Chapter 20.

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Scarlett's part--

Next day in school all day I waited for my chemistry class only.

Elsa - you seemed a little bit lost today.

Me -

Elsa - oh ok.

Me - what has happened to you??

Elsa - me?? nothing !!

Me - come on Elsa. I know you well. There's something. Speak it up.

Elsa - like that.

Me - ok fine don't say anything to me. What am i to you?? I mean nothing to you.

Elsa- don't say like that. Can we go library??

Me- yeah sure.

We headed towards library. We went to the science section. I was going through some chemistry books. Elsa was interested in biology.


I was shocked and turned around. I saw elsa was over a boy and books were scattered all around.

Elsa's part--

Oh God !!! Who the hell is he?? I opened my eyes. I saw two green eyes staring at me.

Boy- could you get over me??

Me- uh...yeah

I stood up.

Boy- i am sorry.

Me- i am sorry too.

Suddenly Monica, Molly and Jane showed up from no where.

Molly - baby what are you doing here?? With this girl??

Boy - nothing dear. We just bumped into each other.

Molly - well you could have bumped with someone sexy and hot and beautiful. Why the  hell you got this nerd??

Boy - its ok Molly. (To me) are you ok??

Me- yeah

He picked my books up.

Boy- here are  your books. And don't mind my girlfriend.  She's a little weired. Don't mind.

Me-(smiling) i don't mind.

Boy- if anyday we got chance can we go for coffee??

Me- but  your girlfriend  doesn't likes me.

Boy- its ok. There will be only me and you. By th way i am Louis. Louis Tomlinson.

Me- Elsa Wilsen.

Molly - baby what are you talking to her.

Boy- coming baby. (to me) bye see you.

Me- bye.

Scarlett's part--

What was happening here?? I asked Elsa.

Elsa said me the whole story.

Me- so its a date.

Elsa - no its not. He has girlfriend.  That's also Molly.

Me- badluck for the guy

Elsa - yeah

Me - why are you blushing??

Elsa - no i am not.

Me - yeah you are . Now say me

Elsa - ok ok. I have a crush on Louis

Me- really?? Aww that's sweet. So your crush asked you out for coffee!!!

Elsa - but  the  saddest part is he has girlfriend.

Me - now don't be  sad. See the  positive side. Now let's go otherwise we will be late for our class.

Our next class was chemistry. We all went to the lab. Harry was already present there.

Harry - today we will do the titration.

Students- ok sir.

Harry - make a pair and start working

Students- ok sir.

I and Elsa paired up. We started doing our work. I love doing practicals.

Elsa - see its perfect rose pink colour.

Me - we should show it to sir.

E- yeah.

Me - sir we have completed our titration.

H- ok let me see. Yeah its perfect. Scarlett when you have finished your work can you help me with the  practical files and copies.

Me- yeah surely.

Harry was checking the files and giving grade. I was writing those grades in the  marks slip. Gradually all the students left. It was now only me and Harry. I was sometimes staring at him while doing my work. When he used to look at me i used to turn my head away.

H- Scarlett can you bring my register?? See its kept in the  top most shelf of the  locker.

Me- OK

I opened th locker. I was tall enough but  the  locker was taller. My hand couldn't reach. I tried my best. There was a stool. I took it and stand on it. Now i can easily reach to th register. Bt i was tall and th stool was small. So it got disbalanced. I understood that i was going to fall.

Me- no no nooooooooo

Harry - Scarlett watch yourself.......

Harry came running and caught me. And once again i was in the  arms of my chemistry professor.

Harry - you scared me

Me- i am sorry

Harry - you ok na??

Me - yeah. Thank you

Harry - no thanks. How I could i let you fall when i have planned to catch you for my whole life

Me- Harry....

Harry - i feel for you Scarlett

Me- me too....but  i was too afraid to say you. What if people come to know?? You are  my teacher.

Harry - at first i was afraid too. But  then i realised you are more important to me than anything.

Me- Harry i have no words to say

Harry - love doesn't needs words. We have to feel it.

And then Harry kissed me. I kissed him back.

Finalky i kissed my crush, my love. Or you can say i kissed my teacher.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now