Chapter 23.

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Narrator's part :-

Days were passing by good. Nobody knew the relationship of Chris-Elisa and Scarlett-Harry. But suddenly the world turned upside down.

Natasha's part---

I was making dinner whn the  doorbell ranged. I opened the  door. It was Chris. And with him he had brought Elisa. At least he could have called me that he is bringing his teacher home.

Me - hello Miss Payne.

Elisa - oh please call me Elisa.

Me - please come inside.

Elisa - thank you.

We sat on the sofa.

Chris - both of you talk. I will go and get freshed.

Me- ok

Elisa - nice house

Me - thank you

Elisa - so your husband is Zayn Malik??

Me- yeah. By the way i think i have seen you somewhere.

Eliss - may be

Me - your name

Elisa - not my name. My surname!!

Me - w..wha...whattt??!!!

Elisa - my surname is familier with you right??

Me - but

Elisa - its not a big question how i know. The  question is what will happen to you now.

Me - what do you mean??

Elisa - now don't be innocent. I hope you have listened about Karma. And this is Karma. You took someone's life and now i will take yours.

Me- i didn't took....

Elisa - just shut up. What do you think you will escape?? No no no!! Not so easy dear. You have started the game i will finish it.

Me - what are you talking about??

Elisa - you know it better  than  me. Now i have to go. Bye. And take care of your son. By the way he tastes good ( smirk 😏 ).

She left. I was baffled. I don't know what to do or say. What does she mean all these ?? Who is she actually?? What's her actual identity??

Chris - where's Elisa??

Me - she left.

Chris - and you let her go. Come on mom. She came to meet you and you let her go.

Me- is Elisa Payne her original name ??

Chris - of course mom. What has happened to you??

At night i said Zayn about Elisa but  he didn't took it so seriously. I have no idea who is she and from where she came and what's her relation is with me?? I know nothing. But  i feared. I was afraid that something bad was going to happen with me and my family.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now